Liveable Community
Climate Leadership
Engaged, Healthy Community
Diversified, Thriving Economy
City of Maple Ridge Corporate Plan
Facilitate expanded housing diversity and supply, to promote attainability
Improve mobility with safe, sustainable and effective transportation options
Develop infrastructure that positions the City to provide accessible and sustainable services while accommodating growth
Foundational Initiatives for Liveable Community
Mitigate and adapt to the impacts of climate change
Reduce municipal and community greenhouse gas emissions in alignment with adopted targets
Enhance and protect the health of our natural environment
Foundational Initiatives for Climate Leadership & Environmental Stewardship
Provide a diversity of inclusive and accessible recreation opportunities
Build and celebrate community pride, strengthening community connections to foster a sense of belonging
Promote a vibrant arts and culture community
Ensure the safety and enhance the well-being of residents
Improve community engagement with the City
Foundational Initiatives for Engaged, Healthy Community
Attract, retain and expand business investment to diversify the tax base and increase local employment
Expand training and educational options in Maple Ridge to build a skilled workforce that attracts innovative businesses
Explore and maximize tourism opportunities as a means to further diversify the local economy
Foundational Initiatives for Diversified, Thriving Economy
Identify and commit to opportunities for the City to move forward on a path of Truth and Reconciliation
Deliver an exceptional customer experience across City services
Be accountable to the public through open and responsive governance
Ensure the City is organizationally resilient, ready to adapt to a changing environment
Ensure organization and financial alignment to achieve Strategic Priorities and meet the needs of our growing community
Foundational Initiatives for Governance & Corporate Excellence
Key Result
Key Result
Create development application prioritization criteria
Increase housing stock, as measured by occupied units, by 1.2% (1,284 units) by Q3 2026
Secure 30 below market housing units
Increase the multi-unit housing portion of building stock by 2% by Q4 2026
Establish benchmark timelines for internal City processes and reviews within the development application process
Complete alignment of CMR regulations and policies with Homes for People provincial strategy
Include a complete east to west AAA bike route from 240th to Maple Meadows station in the 5-year Capital Plan
Install 30 secure bike and micro-mobility lockers within the civic centre area
Increase cycling network length by three kilometers
Update funding strategy for asset replacement and maintenance building off existing funding policy
Develop an Asset Management Strategy
Establish servicing plans, including green infrastructure solutions, to service 3 key growth areas
Foundational Initiatives for Liveable Community
Develop and adopt a Climate Action Plan
Develop and implement green infrastructure design and maintenance specifications, guidelines, and performance standards
Develop a master plan for reducing the reliance on natural gas for all facilities and implement a solar energy project
Develop framework for climate and resilience as a lens for City decision making
Ensure the City is green fleet ready for passenger vehicles & light-duty fleet
Establish an inventory and baseline of bio-diversity health
Develop a strategy to manage the health of the McKenney Creek system
Protect and conserve 9 hectares of land
Complete an Urban Forest Management Strategy
Foundational Initiatives for Climate Leadership & Environmental Stewardship
Conduct Recreation Facility Accessibility audit to Rick Hansen Guideline standards
Ensure at least 70% of residents, as measured by households, have access to one free community event within a 15-minute walk of their home
Increase participation in subsidized recreation programs by 10% through the development of City-specific criteria on financial access funding
Conduct a Recreation Facility Feasibility Study
Support the Maple Ridge 2024 BC Summer Games
Develop and deliver four events to celebrate the 150th Anniversary of Maple Ridge
Increase participation in City supported volunteer programs by 10%
Implement Public Art streams to support the new Public Art Policy and Handbook
Conduct an Arts, Culture, Events & Heritage Services Review
Develop a Community Safety Action Plan
Operationalize Phase 1 of the Fire Master Plan
Complete a de-integration transition plan for Ridge Meadows RCMP
Establish a public participation and engagement framework
Increase community activity on Engage MR by 20%
Conduct a participatory budget pilot project
Foundational Initiatives for Engaged, Healthy Community
Complete a Business Retention & Expansion (BR&E) Analysis and Implementation Plan
Develop an Incentive Strategy for New Business Attraction
Develop an Investment Attraction Strategy for targeted industries, including a value/supply chain strategy
Ensure that the business licensing process and service delivery is capable of processing 20% more applications annually
Create a formal, collaborative partnership with a post-secondary institution
Establish a collaborative Tech Hub to specifically nurture the growth of technologically inclined entrepreneurs
Complete a Labour Market and Gap Analysis
Implement a net promotor score for Adventure Hub, Urban Hot Spots, and Farm Fresh experiences , set the baseline, and improve by 20%
Increase film-based tourism by 10%
Develop an event attraction strategy for tourist-driven events aligned with community-based events
Foundational Initiatives for Diversified, Thriving Economy
Develop the City's Indigenous Relations and Engagement Strategy
Host two Council relationship-building meetings with Katzie First Nation and Kwantlen First Nation leadership
Develop and implement a strategy, including standards and principles, to provide exceptional customer experiences
Develop an evaluation framework for ongoing customer experience assessment
Ensure that 75% of existing policies have been updated within the last 2 years
Implement an Enterprise Performance Management system (EPM)
Develop and implement an enhanced risk management program
Develop a records management program
Develop a business continuity program
Conduct one Emergency Operations Centre exercise
Deploy a continuous improvement program and conduct training with a cohort of staff
Develop an Intergovernmental Relations Strategy for relationship building and advocacy to advance key city priorities
Review and consolidate City fees and charges into a single bylaw with annual review dates
Complete a major Development Cost Charges review
Optimize the City’s business and financial planning process
Foundational Initiatives for Governance & Corporate Excellence
Strengthen the capacity of Fire Services to support a rapidly growing community by conducting a staffing model assessment, optimizing reporting structures for efficient service delivery, and implementing a comprehensive succession planning model.
Plant 750 trees by Q4 2026
Update Housing Strategy
Create development application prioritization criteria
Update Housing Needs Assessment
Conduct an incentive program feasibility assessment
Develop pre-approved site plans for a range of housing units
Update city-wide density bonusing programs
Increase staffing levels for business licensing processing
Identify inclusionary zoning options
Develop concierge service to facilitate affordable housing development
Conduct wrap-around servicing assessment for the Lougheed Transit Corridor Area Plan
Review parking and mobility requirements for transit-oriented areas
Complete alignment of City of Maple Ridge regulations and policies with Homes for People provincial strategy
Conduct Staffing Model Assessment
Establish benchmark timelines for Planning department processes and reviews within the development application process
Design and Develop Exempt Performance Management Program
Optimize Reporting Structures
Implement Succession Planning Model
Include a complete east to west AAA bike route from 240th to Maple Meadows station in the 5-year Capital Plan
Increase cycling network length by three kilometers
Install 30 secure bike and micro-mobility lockers within the civic centre area
Update funding strategy for asset replacement and maintenance building off existing funding policy
Establish servicing plans, including green infrastructure solutions, to service 3 key growth areas
Develop an Asset Management Strategy for the City
Provide update on Local Government Act - Bill 26
Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw Update - Initial Work
Develop a Climate Action Plan
Develop and implement green infrastructure design and maintenance specifications, guidelines, and performance standards
Complete Multi-Hazard Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment
Conduct extreme temperature risk mapping analysis
Secure Natural Resource Canada Zero Emissions Vehicle funding
Develop master plan to reduce reliance on natural gas for all facilities
Implement a solar energy project for a municipal facility
Develop a framework for climate and resilience as a lens for City decision making
Phase 1: Install 20 Level 2 EV fleet chargers
Phase 2: Install 20 Level-2 and 2 Level-3 EV fleet EV chargers
Develop an Urban Forest Management Strategy
Establish an inventory and baseline of bio-diversity health
Develop a strategy to manage the health of the McKenney Creek system
Develop City-specific criteria on financial access funding
Host 3 Rock the Block Events
Complete Recreation Facility Accessibilty Audit
Support the Maple Ridge 2024 BC Summer Games
Conduct an aquatics feasibility study to contemplate a second aquatics facility
Develop a Volunteer Retention Strategy for BC Summer Games Volunteers
Maple Ridge 150 Celebration Events
Conduct an Arts, Culture, Events & Heritage Services Review
Transition the Public Art guidelines into a policy for Council endorsement
Fire Master Plan #17 Career Suppression Capacity
Fire Master Plan #20 Prevention Branch
Fire Master Plan # 3 Corporate Integration
Fire Master Plan # 8 Climate Change & # 28 Apparatus
Complete a de-integration transition plan for Ridge Meadows RCMP
Fire Master Plan # 31 Emergency Program Resourcing
Develop a Community Safety Action Plan
Increase community activity on Engage MR by 20%
Develop and implement public engagement framework and toolkit
Conduct a participatory budget pilot project
Contract with Community Safety Expert Consultants
Implement Heritage Grant Five-Year Pilot Program
Develop Heritage Related Event connected to Maple Ridge 150
Implement Overnight Security Services in Downtown Core
Develop an Incentive Strategy for New Business Attraction
Complete business license process and digital application review
Conduct investment attraction analysis and Implementation plan for targeted industries
Develop business retention and expansion analysis and implementation plan
Establish a collaborative Tech Hub to specifically nurture the growth of technologically inclined entrepreneurs
Collaborate with post-secondary institutions on feasibility study to develop and sustain program training that addresses workforce needs
Pre-work for: Creating a formalized partnership with a post secondary institution
Conduct Labour Market Gap Analysis
Electrification of Railway Lot for film (Creative BC Reel Green Grant) and continued through BC hydro incentive offer
Implement Net Promoter Score for Adventure Hub, Urban Hot Spots, and Farm Fresh Experiences with a set baseline and improve by 20% by the end of 2025
Develop an Event Attraction Strategy for Tourist-driven Events Aligned with Community Based Events
Complete regulatory review of eco-tourism, adventure tourism and agri-tourism policies
Implement a circular economy program to re-purpose film set materials
Facilitate Downtown Revitalization Initiatives
Conduct Albion Industrial Land Use and Servicing Analysis
Refresh Agricultural Plan
Develop a Framework for Municipal Truth and Reconciliation
Participate in regular Council to Council meetings with Katzie and Kwantlen First Nations.
Develop and implement a customer experience strategy and framework
Develop an evaluation framework for ongoing customer experience assessment
Implement an Enterprise Performance Management system
Complete a Policy Review
Develop the City's Intergovernmental Relations Strategy
Develop a Risk Management framework to enable the development of a program
Facilitate the development of a Business Continuity Program
Implement a continuous improvement Centre of Excellence
Complete development of a records management framework
Conduct one Emergency Operations Centre exercise
Optimize the City’s business and financial planning process
Major DCC Amendment
Review and consolidate Building Services Department fees
Review and consolidate Soil Removal, Tree Protection and Highway & Traffic fees
Review and consolidate Fire Protection, Cemetery, Water Service and Sewer Service fees
Review Police Services Fees and Charges
Update Financial Sustainability Policy
Protect and conserve 9 hectares of land
Design, Develop and Implement Learning and Development Framework
Commence Negotiations and Collective Bargaining with IAFF for 2022 onwards
Commence Negotiations and Collective Bargaining with CUPE for 2023 onwards
Initiate HRIS requirements gathering and feasibility study
Design Occupational Health & Safety Strategic Plan
Host one regional Leadership Summit in 2024
Seek funding and apply for tree planting grants to support tree planting efforts
Develop Archaeological Management Plan
Fire Master Plan #24 New Fire Stations
Host tree planting event with the community
Update bylaws, policies and the OCP to reflect the direction of the Urban Forest Management Strategy, starting with the Tree Protection and Management Bylaw
Ensure at least 70% of residents, as measured by households, have access to one free community event within a 15-minute walk of their home
City of Maple Ridge Corporate Plan
Host 3 Rock the Block Events
City of Maple Ridge Corporate Plan
Completed 9/30/24
Provide a diversity of inclusive and accessible recreation opportunities
City of Maple Ridge Corporate Plan