In January 2023, the City launched Engage Maple Ridge, an online community engagement platform where residents can learn about City initiatives, have a say on decision making and connect with staff and neighbours on projects that matter to online consultation platform to create a consistent, accessible, and user-friendly online engagement experience. In 2023, the City undertook 15 engagement projects. As of the end of March, the City has undertaken 7 engagement projects in 2024.
In 2023, there was 15,800 visitors to the site with 2900 engaged visitors which means they participated, 6700 informed visitors, which means they viewed/visited a page and 11,900 aware visitors who visited at least one page.
As of March 2024, there has been 16,300 visitors to the site, 3600 engaged visitors, 6700 informed visitors and 13,100 aware visitors.