Engaged, Healthy Community
City of Maple Ridge Corporate Plan

Engaged, Healthy Community Priority Statement

We provide dynamic public spaces for our residents to engage with their community and maintain an active lifestyle. Our citizens are proud to be from Maple Ridge and celebrate our history and culture. Residents feel safe and supported by their community and municipal services
Not Started

Initiative Status Snapshot
Engaged, Healthy Community



Pie chart with 6 slices.
Initiative Status Snapshot (Chart Type: Pie) Plot Bands In Progress: 30.4% (7) Needs Attention: 0.0% (0) Under Review: 0.0% (0) Not Started: 0.0% (0) Complete: 69.6% (16) Not Updated: 0.0% (0)
End of interactive chart.

Status Legend

Symbol Status Title
  Key Result or Initiative in Progress

Key Result Partially Met - No Further Action

Key Result Fully Met - No Further Action

Initiative Complete

Initiative Under Review

Initiative Needs Attention

Key Result or Initiative Not Started

Key Result Not Met
Key Results
KR End Date
Initiative End Date
Initiative Status Icon
Initiative External Update
City of Maple Ridge Corporate Plan
City of Maple Ridge Corporate Plan

Facility audits have been completed on the Maple Ridge Leisure Center and Planet Ice by the Rick Hansen Foundation in 2024. From this, $90,000 in funding is available for accessibility improvements. After discussions, review and accessing needs and priorities, the decision was made to use these funds to renovate the front counter area at the Maple Ridge Leisure Center as it is not fully accessible, equitable or inclusive to all users.


City of Maple Ridge Corporate Plan
City of Maple Ridge Corporate Plan

The city hosted 2 Rock the Blocks in August. August 10 was held at Hammond Park and Aug 24 was rescheduled from June (due to weather) at Blaney Hamlet. Each event saw over 500+ Neighbours and visitors participating. There were food trucks, Kids Zone, DJ & dance tutorials, live music, and more. The Maple Ridge Musuem ran an engagement tent with games & education on the history of Maple Ridge and Katzie People in collaboration with the Katzie First Nations. MLA Lisa Beare joined the 2 events with an engagement tent giving away popcorn and other treats. Artist, Carly Bouwman, completed her 4th community engagement mural where residents were invited to help paint a large mural representing their neighborhood (north Maple Ridge). This mural is part of the larger MR150 public art project and will be unveiled on September 14.   

With the 3 Rock the Block locations and other free programming throughout the summer across Maple Ridge (including Hot Summer Nights at Firefighters Park and Music on the Wharf, and festivals at Memorial Peace Park) 67.64% of the population was 15 minutes walking distance of a free city sponsored event.  



City of Maple Ridge Corporate Plan
City of Maple Ridge Corporate Plan

The initiative is now complete. As a result of this work, staff have taken the extra step and are developing a process to update financial access funding to the community that is in alignment with neighboring cities and aligns with the demographics (current and future) and needs of the city of Maple Ridge residents. 

In Progress
City of Maple Ridge Corporate Plan
In Progress
City of Maple Ridge Corporate Plan

Through the first phase of community engagement, public feedback provided valuable data that along with a City of Maple Ridge specific service demand analysis and best practices review, was used to develop a draft building concept.  The concept is currently being test-fitted on the Hammond Community Park site and aligned with additional technical analysis including archeological and traffic and parking assessments.   The second phase of community engagement, planned for winter/spring 2025, will seek the public's feedback on the proposed building concept at Hammond Community Park. The community and user group engagement and feedback analysis is a key step in the preparation of the final and comprehensive feasibility study.   

In Progress
City of Maple Ridge Corporate Plan
City of Maple Ridge Corporate Plan

The weekend of the Maple Ridge 2024 BC Summer Games wrapped up on July 21, 2024, however work remained to complete such administrative tasks such as inventorying the Summer Games equipment and preparing for transfer to the 2026 Winter Games in Trail-Rossland.   The Board of Directors and City staff have now completed those tasks.  

City of Maple Ridge Corporate Plan
City of Maple Ridge Corporate Plan

On September 14, the City welcomed the region to celebrate Maple Ridge 150 with Our Neck of the Woods. Residents and visitors participated in Soar Over Maple Ridge Zip Line, Indigenous Makers Market, TransLink Car Free Street Party, activities for all ages, and 3 stages of live entertainment including mainstage with Dawn Pemberton, Aaron Pritchett and the Strumbellas. The Katzie First Nation provided a ceremonial opening at 12Noon in the bandstand.  

City of Maple Ridge Corporate Plan
City of Maple Ridge Corporate Plan

Volunteer resource room at MRLC will start hosting drop-in hours in the Fall. Space will be hub for Rec Services, Events and Volunteer activations. Will support Our Neck of the Woods as Volunteer HQ.  

In Progress
City of Maple Ridge Corporate Plan
In Progress
City of Maple Ridge Corporate Plan

Interdepartmental team meetings on draft policy. 

Under Review
City of Maple Ridge Corporate Plan
In Progress
City of Maple Ridge Corporate Plan

The 2024 OKR to complete a Musuem Needs Assessment has broadened to a service review of arts, culture, events and heritage services.   Deliverables will include conducting a needs assessment and analyzing current service provision, operating models, partnership agreements, funding deficiencies and opportunities and use of facility and program spaces for these programs.  

Funding was re-allocated as part of the 2025 business planning process

On boarding of a consultant to be initiated in Q1 2025

In Progress
City of Maple Ridge Corporate Plan
In Progress
City of Maple Ridge Corporate Plan

Planning work in progress. 

In Progress
City of Maple Ridge Corporate Plan
City of Maple Ridge Corporate Plan

Recruitment for the additional Suppression FF's is complete. Written tests have been completed as has the endurance/skills assessment components. Panel interviews have been completed and for those candidates moving forward, they were scheduled for ride-a-longs and finally an interview with the Fire Chief. 11 Suppression firefighter positions were filled (7 from the POC ranks) and are currently being onboarded through an 8-week training regiment..

These additional 11 FF's will result in the city having a second fire unit available to respond from Fire Hall 1. Training is completed and new hires are scheduled on shift.

In Progress
City of Maple Ridge Corporate Plan
City of Maple Ridge Corporate Plan

Posted two positions in order to support Community Risk Reduction initiatives related to Prevention and Public Education.  Final interview with the Fire Chief scheduled for early September. Working through final stage with HR for job offers. 2 candidates offered positions. Both accepted. Onboarded November 12, 2024.

City of Maple Ridge Corporate Plan
City of Maple Ridge Corporate Plan

Building strong corporate relationships with Fire and multiple CMR departments. Collaborating with Bylaws, Planning, Legislative Services, IT, HR and RCMP to achieve corporate goals.  

In Progress
City of Maple Ridge Corporate Plan
City of Maple Ridge Corporate Plan

28 Apparatus

Implementation of an EV emergency response Squad Unit. Electrical infrastructure has been installed.

Vehicle outfitted and branded. Staff completed orientation and training. EV now fully operational.



City of Maple Ridge Corporate Plan
City of Maple Ridge Corporate Plan

Successfully recruited a Corporate Emergency Program Manager. Engagement with Metro Vancouver has resumed with dialogue related to the Lower Fraser River Floodplains regional actions as well as Wildfire interface challenges.

In Progress
City of Maple Ridge Corporate Plan
In Progress
City of Maple Ridge Corporate Plan
Conduct Staffing Model AssessmentFire & Emergency Program
Not Defined
City of Maple Ridge Corporate Plan
Not Started
City of Maple Ridge Corporate Plan
Optimize Reporting StructuresFire & Emergency Program
Not Defined
City of Maple Ridge Corporate Plan
Not Started
City of Maple Ridge Corporate Plan
Implement Succession Planning ModelFire & Emergency Program
Not Defined
City of Maple Ridge Corporate Plan
Not Started
City of Maple Ridge Corporate Plan
In Progress
City of Maple Ridge Corporate Plan
In Progress
City of Maple Ridge Corporate Plan

Draft of Framework and update of Communications and Engagement Policy completed. Internal team of staff have reviewed the draft Framework. External review of the Framework and Policy are completed. The Communications Department is now finalizing the Framework and Policy and plan to present to Council in mid-February before we go out for public engagement. The Policy and Framework will then be finalized and presented to Council for approval by end of March 2024.

City of Maple Ridge Corporate Plan
City of Maple Ridge Corporate Plan

In January 2023, the City launched Engage Maple Ridge, an online community engagement platform where residents can learn about City initiatives, have a say on decision making and connect with staff and neighbours on projects that matter to you.an online consultation platform to create a consistent, accessible, and user-friendly online engagement experience. In 2023, the City undertook 15 engagement projects. As of the end of March, the City has undertaken 7 engagement projects in 2024.

In 2023, there was 15,800 visitors to the site with 2900 engaged visitors which means they participated, 6700 informed visitors, which means they viewed/visited a page and 11,900 aware visitors who visited at least one page.

As of March 2024, there has been 16,300 visitors to the site, 3600 engaged visitors, 6700 informed visitors and 13,100 aware visitors.

City of Maple Ridge Corporate Plan
City of Maple Ridge Corporate Plan
  • Options proposed to Council on July 23 Workshop
  • Council directed staff to not progress with the initiative due to existing priority projects
  • This initiative will be removed from future reporting
City of Maple Ridge Corporate Plan
City of Maple Ridge Corporate Plan

Expert Community Safety Consultant agreement signed for 2025. 

In Progress
City of Maple Ridge Corporate Plan
In Progress
City of Maple Ridge Corporate Plan

The Heritage Grant Pilot Program stems from the 2013 Heritage Plan and is built on and further supported by the recently endorsed Heritage Plan 2024 - 2034 as identified under Goal 4: Support Community Conservation Action 4.3. 

The Heritage Grant Program is currently a pilot program intended to help conserve our community’s heritage by providing financial support for eligible heritage projects led by residents, organizations, and members of local First Nations.

Applications for the pilot year of this program will be accepted until February 28, 2025.

Not Started
City of Maple Ridge Corporate Plan
City of Maple Ridge Corporate Plan


City of Maple Ridge Corporate Plan
City of Maple Ridge Corporate Plan

After the successful pilot that addressed concerns raised at the Downtown Maple Ridge Business Improvement Association Safety and Security Committee, City staff coordinated a continuation of the overnight security service with Westridge Security. There is now mobile security service 24 hours a day, with 8 hours contracted to the BIA, and 16 hours contracted by the City. The contract is currently being held by the Manager of Bylaw, Licensing and Community Safety.