| Better our student experience by developing documentation and providing training to MCC employees on credit for prior learning, and articulated credit. |
1: Student Success
2: Equity Diversity and Inclusion
5: Structure and Processes
2-Integrity: Ethical & Responsible Conduct
This will be achieved by working with enrollment managers & student success managers from each campus
This will be measured complete when the training has been conducted.
Increase awareness based on training feedback.
The credit for prior learning policy and procedure has been updated and submitted to CPRC and is still in the process of being approved. Initially, we anticipated approval in the fall to begin training in the spring. Since the policy and procedure are still in the CPRC review process, training has been delayed until they are approved. The backend processing of the articulated credit process has been documented. There has been a staffing transition on the district instructional team responsible for coordinating the front end of this process, delaying the documentation work on the full process. The district instructional team will be hiring a dual credit coordinator to coordinate this work moving forward.
Staffing transitions in the area responsible for coordinating articulated credit highlights the need do have clearly documented processes, to not lose momentum on this work.
Not Completed
| Increase the number of options student with non-traditional backgrounds have of receiving college credit for what they have already learned by documenting the route to add one third party test to each of testing centers (CLEP, Person View, or other), and talking with 4 discipline faculty about awarding credit for nationally recognized examinations. |
1: Student Success
2: Equity Diversity and Inclusion
5: Structure and Processes
2-Integrity: Ethical & Responsible Conduct
5-Resources Planning & Institutional Effectiveness
1) Work with the testing center coordinators to asses what is reasonable to expand.
2) Document the route to expansion.
Document route of expansion.
Additional options for our students are in place.
The process for adding additional testing options in our testing centers has been documented. Initial discussions have taken place with engineering, fire science, public safety, automotive and graphic design faculty on adding credit for prior learning options.
Increasing the number of credit for prior learning opportunities is a long term process and needs the an approved credit for prior learning policy and procedure to support expansion.
| At each department meeting, we will discuss ways we can improve employee’s experience. I will recommend and implement at least 2 developed strategies a semester. |
4: Culture and Environment
5: Structure and Processes
2-Integrity: Ethical & Responsible Conduct
5-Resources Planning & Institutional Effectiveness
1) add the topic as a standing agenda item to the meeting.
2) with the appropriate AVC to implement the suggestions.
The document with the recommended suggestions.
I hope that this will be 100% completed.
This was a standing agenda item at our team meetings. Many of the item suggested where outside the control of the department, this included remote work and information about facilities & moving. The following items were suggested: providing updated equipment to the information center staff and doing some more social activities within the student data center.
Transitions in the team, meant that the group discussion was not very big and lacked continuity. The primary items that came up, remote work & facilities changes, are being worked on by a district taskforce or facilities. The department did ordered some equipment, namely silicon hand/wrist rest for members of the info center to make their computer work more comfortable. The student data center resumed a pre-covid pot luck tradition that they had stopped.
| Provide leadership and support as the testing centers finalize and implement their CAS action plan. |
1: Student Success
2: Equity Diversity and Inclusion
4: Culture and Environment
5: Structure and Processes
2-Integrity: Ethical & Responsible Conduct
5-Resources Planning & Institutional Effectiveness
A document presented to the AVC outlining assessment direction.
If the Testing Center are able to assess their standards.
| |
The testing centers have developed a survey that they want to administer to measure satisfaction with their services. They are in the process of determining how to best administer the survey and plan to begin administering it in the next academic year.
Some members of the group had tired to implement a similar survey in the past and did not feel supported in that endeavor. It took more time to work through this process as a result.
Partially Completed