| Support a culture of contributing to a welcoming and inclusive institution for our students, staff and community. |
2: Equity Diversity and Inclusion
1) Incorporate session on diversity, equity and inclusion into the Student Services Professional Development Day.
2) Promote training opportunities across the division and encourage participation.
Sessions incorporated at Student Services Professional Development Day.
Multiple sessions related to diversity, equity and inclusion are offered at the Student Services Professional Development Day.
There were four sessions offered as part of Student Services Professional Development Day, including: (1) Recognizing & Responding to Microaggressions, (2) Best Practices & Lessons Learned Working with Adult Students, (3) Introduction to the Office of Civil Rights, (4) Having an Impact: Serving the Underserved. All sessions received favorable reviews on the evaluation.
Recommend to continue to incorporate sessions like these in the Professional Development Day.
| Implement recommended changes to the onboarding process for students entering in fall 2022. |
1: Student Success
5-Resources Planning & Institutional Effectiveness
3-Teaching & Learning: Quality Resources & Support
Lead steering committee to implement the new funnel process recommendations.
New processes implemented by April 2022.
Students beginning in fall 2022 will have gone through the new funnel processes.
Timeline for this project was extended to allow for more inclusive participation. To day, process has been made on mapping the process from inquiry to registering for a new student advising and enrollment session. The work-groups were initially formed in late November and have been meeting since December.
Partially Completed
| Encourage and support student services staff engagement in the student experience/SWIM workgroups. |
4: Culture and Environment
5-Resources Planning & Institutional Effectiveness
Work with campus leadership to identify campus staff to participate on the workgroups.
Participation in workgroups includes staff from all campuses in a variety of roles.
25% of the student services team district-wide participates in a workgroup.
Participation on each of the initial workgroups, included participation from a variety of student services areas and all locations. There are currently 44 individuals representing student service participating in the workgroups, representing 24.3% of the currently filled positions in student services.
As these groups worked this spring, it became clear that there were points of connection and overlap with other work happening at the college. To more intentionally align the work of these workgroups with the FYE taskforce and Academic & Career Pathways, the initial workgroup structure has been expanded from four to eight teams. An invitation to participate on these teams was extended to the entire campus community in April.
| Advance MCC's Culture of Assessment |
1: Student Success
4-Teaching & Learning: Evaluation & Improvement
1) Provide support to the Testing and Financial Aid teams to get back on track with their functional unit assessments.
2) Provide training and support to the Admissions and Academic Advising to begin their CAS self-studies.
1) Testing action plan is finalized and implemented. 2) Financial Aid self-study is finalized and presented. 2) Admissions and Academic Advising team is trained on and completes the CAS self-study process.
1) Testing finalizes plan by Nov. 20, 2021 and is ready to begin implementing their action plan in the spring 2022 semester. 2) Financial Aid completes their self-study by Nov. 20, 2021 and present their self-study finding to the Student Services Deans and Directors by January 31, 2022. 3) Initial training on the CAS self-study process occurs with Admissions and Academic Advising by November 1, 2021. Admission and Academic Advising complete their self-studies by May 31, 2022.
1) Testing has been making progress on their action plan and plans to have it completed in June. They are planning to administer a survey to students utilizing their services. They will begin administering the survey in the 2022-23 academic year. 2) Financial aid has been making progress on their self-study plan and plans to have it completed in June. 3) The implementation of the process reviews related to admissions and academic advising as part of the Wolf Pack Experience Reimagined, changed the timeline for beginning these reviews.
The functional unit assessment part of the Student Success & Engagement Assessment Framework, needs to be re-evaluated and consider how it might better align with the IEP process. The co-curricular assessment part of the framework has been going well.
Partially Completed