| Support the development and implementation of a comprehensive equity strategy for the college. |
2: Equity Diversity and Inclusion
1) When revising or developing policies/procedures/processes, ask team members leading efforts what adverse effects will result for various student populations.
2) Review recommendations for hires from the perspective of what diverse points of view and/or experience they will bring to the team.
1) Number of procedures/processes that are modified to reduce or eliminate barriers for diverse student populations.
2) Number of employees from diverse experiences hired to fill vacancies.
1) At least one procedure or process is modified each semester to reduce or eliminate barriers for diverse student populations.
2) 30% of new hires will represent diverse experiences.
1. The BIT policy and procedure was completed and approved. Institutional Aid (scholarship) levels were adjusted to increase the amount of financial support for under-resourced students. A free breakfast pilot was instituted in the spring semester and will continue into next fall.
2. 5 of 15 (30%) new hires represent diverse populations.
As enrollment processes are improved through the Wolf Pack Experience Re-imagined, the effort to remove barriers for students is expected to accelerate in the upcoming year.
Requesting $15,000 for a personalized NABITA training for the campus and district BIT teams.
| Implement the moon shot to enhance the student experience. |
1: Student Success
5-Resources Planning & Institutional Effectiveness
3-Teaching & Learning: Quality Resources & Support
Re-engineer the student onboarding/experience process for new students entering MCC in fall 2022.
1) The new processes will be mapped and documented.
2) A new student communications plan will be designed and ready for implementation.
3) A new advising model will be completed.
1) 100% of processes in the enrollment funnel will be documented.
2) 100% of student pre-enrollment communications will be completed.
3) 100% of impacted academic advisors will be trained on the new model.
Timeline for this project was extended to allow for more inclusive participation and expansion of the Work Pack Experience Re-imagined. To date, progress has been made on mapping the process from inquiry to registering for a new student advising and enrollment session, draft communication plans, and a model for academic advising. The Steering Committee will be reviewing parts of this work by the end of May and making recommendations in June to the Presidents/Vice Chancellors/Executive Cabinet.
As these groups worked this spring, it became clear that there were points of connection and overlap with other work happening at the college. Making systemic changes to processes and developing the culture required to implement them takes more time than was originally planned. Something to keep in mind when planning future large-scale projects.
Partially Completed
| Create opportunities for employee engagement. |
4: Culture and Environment
5-Resources Planning & Institutional Effectiveness
Create opportunities to celebrate accomplishments and improvements to work spaces during the year as Broadway Plaza teams return to the building.
Find safe ways to bring staff together again for celebrations.
Number of safe gatherings for staff held.
Hold at least two celebrations each semester for district student success and engagement team.
Re-established the end-of-the-semester holiday cookie reception, in a modified format in December.
Re-established monthly birthday celebrations after spring break, covering March, April and May.
A total of four scheduled opportunities for the staff to gather and celebrate, albeit not two or more each semester, due to the pandemic.
Related to improvements to work spaces, Broadway Plaza is in the process of being renovated, which will provide improved break room and meeting room spaces for staff to gather informally.
The strategic planning process for area plans was designed to engage and be inclusive of all staff and across functional teams within Student Success and Engagement.
Identifying ways to celebrate staff accomplishments, in addition to birthday or holiday gatherings is an on-going opportunity for improvement.
| Advance MCC's Culture of Assessment |
1: Student Success
4-Teaching & Learning: Evaluation & Improvement
1) Hold leadership team accountable for completing functional unit assessments. Lead discussions on improvements to be made based on assessment results.
2) Ensure an assessment plan is developed for the re-engineered student on-boarding and new student experience.
1) Assessment included on the agenda for monthly student success and engagement leadership meetings.
2) Assessment plan is documented.
1) 100% of monthly meetings will include a discussion on assessment efforts or results.
2) Documented assessment plan.
1) Student Success and Engagement Leadership Team meetings were not held every month. Assessment was addressed as part of updates on assessment processes and as part of the area/unit strategic planning process, as it relates to associating goals with KPIs.
2) With the delay in the Wolf Pack Experience Re-imagined work, the assessment plan is not yet completed.
There was significant staff turnover in some of the units that were scheduled for assessment in the cycle this year. Some are still on track for completion by the end of June, but not all. The cycle will require catching up in the next academic year.
Partially Completed