| Improve environmental health and safety efforts |
5: Structure and Processes
5-Resources Planning & Institutional Effectiveness
1. Create a framework for creating and implementing EHS plans and changes that will ensure MCC is in compliance and/or within best practices.
2. Complete a walkthrough of MCC labs that contain hazardous waste to ensure all chemicals are accounted for and all safety measures are in place.
1. Approval of a three-year timeline for the creation and implementation of a complete EHS program.
2. Inspection and written report for each MCC lab following the walkthrough.
1. 5/15/2022
2. 75% of MCC labs inspected
1. EHS Program Plan was completed in May 2022. The Program timeline is a two-prong approach with a 5 year timeline for creation and implementation. 2. 100% of MCC labs have been inspected multiple times by the EHS Specialist as well as by a state agency. A written report is still in progress for the labs.
A template for an inspection report is being created. The report will include what went right, what went wrong, how to improve what went wrong, and the severity of the things that went wrong.
The EHS Program Plan will be re-evaluated to incorporate key elements of the Homeland Security Infrastructure Survey Security & Resilience Report and the Missouri Department of Natural Resource waste disposal reports written in 2022. Addition of these key elements will ensure a more robust Plan that is informed by the leading government agencies. The re-evaluation will assist in seeking appropriate resources, people and funding, to inform goal prioritization.
Partially Completed
Additional funds have been requested for hazardous waste disposal, which helps keep labs in compliance.
| Create opportunities for employee engagement |
5: Structure and Processes
1. Promote and support opportunities for Office of Risk Management personnel to engage with personnel throughout the District.
2. Promote and support opportunities for Office of Risk Management personnel to participate in on-campus student facing events at campuses.
1. Develop and promote a calendar of 1 employee engagement opportunity at each campus.
2. Each employee to participate/volunteer for 2 on-campus student facing events per academic year.
1. Completion of 5 events, 1 per campus. 100% Office of Risk Management participation per engagement opportunity. Participation/attendance of 10 external personnel for each engagement opportunity.
2. 100% employee participation/volunteer for on-campus student facing events per academic year.
1. Risk Management co-hosted a meet and greet event at each campus location with the rest of the legal unit with 100% Risk department employee participation overall. - Blue River - April 4
- Longview - April 13
- Maple Woods - April 18
- Penn Valley - April 27
A minimum of 10 people attended each event. 2. 100% of employees of the Risk Management department completed a minimum of 2 student-facing events districtwide to include: Maple Woods for a community action poverty simulation, Maple Woods for Wolfpack Wellness, volunteering with the athletic department for Earth Day, volunteering at a softball game, volunteering at the Kite Festival, and volunteering at graduation.
Risk Management to will focus on utilizing employee engagement opportunities as training opportunities. Student facing opportunities will focus on front-line opportunities in Student Services areas.
| Streamline internal insurance and claims processes |
5: Structure and Processes
5-Resources Planning & Institutional Effectiveness
Create forms for departments to fill out regarding insurance claims and requests for COIs. Conduct training on location, how to complete the forms, and process.
1. Forms created and accessible to employees;
2. Facilities employees and DCOs trained on the new forms and process; and
3. Percentage of COI requests/property damage claims being completed using the new form.
1. Form Creation;
2. 100% of identified employees trained; and
3. 100% of property damage claims and COI requests completed using new forms.
1. Forms to submit property claim, request for COI, and worker's compensation claim were created and put on infoexchange.
2. Employees were informed of the Forms and taught how to use them (if needed) on a rolling/as needed basis.
3. Approximately 95% of claims and requests for COI have been submitted through the online submission process.
Risk will continue to create efficiencies to reduce the time and effort spent on requesting a COI or reporting an insurance claim.
| Advance MCC's Culture of Assessment |
4: Culture and Environment
5: Structure and Processes
5-Resources Planning & Institutional Effectiveness
1. Review and assess all Risk and Compliance policies and procedures.
2. Develop Risk Management report card/assessment focused on claims/losses and overall operations.
1. Review all Risk and Compliance policies and procedures and updated as needed.
2. Completion of an annual report card.
1. 05/15/2022
2. 06/30/22 Annual Report report out.
1. All risk policies and procedures have been reviewed. The process of updating and/or creating new policies and procedures is ongoing. 2. A risk report card will be ready for report out on 6/30/2022.
Risk will continue to create and update policies and procedures as needed and will provide an annual risk report card covering insurance claims.