| Improve district safety and security |
1: Student Success
5: Structure and Processes
Develop, implement and oversee District Safety and Security Plan aligning with Climate Survey results.
Completion of plan development with staggered implementation of goals.
Plan developed by December 31, 2021. 25% of staggered goals implemented by end of FY'22.
The MCCPD Safety and Security plan was completed in November 2021. The Plan's framework goals were informed by the 2021 Campus Climate Survey. Over 25% of the staggered goals for Phase 1 have been implemented. (7 of the 12 goals listed have been initiated or completed.)
The Plan will be re-evaluated to incorporate key elements of the Homeland Security Infrastructure Survey Security & Resilience Report. Addition of these key elements will ensure a more robust Safety and Security Plan that is informed by not only employee and student feedback but also the leading government agency in terrorism. The re-evaluation will assist in seeking appropriate resources, people and funding, to inform goal prioritization.
| Leverage technology to enhance campus safety |
4: Culture and Environment
5: Structure and Processes
5-Resources Planning & Institutional Effectiveness
1. Install new exterior security/surveillance cameras at the Blue River and Maplewoods campuses.
2. Reassess Campus Installment Plan for need for interior security/surveillance cameras for each campus.
1. % of installation.
2. Vendor walk throughs of campus interiors.
1. 100% of cameras installed by FY'22.
2. 100% completion of vendor walk throughs of each campus.
In March 2020, secured funding of $767,500.00 to purchase security cameras, labor and installation districtwide. The security cameras have been purchased and ordered. As of May 2022, 15% of the cameras have been installed districtwide. Security camera installation at LV completed. Security camera installation at the BR and MW campuses in progress/will be completed in May/June 2022. Security camera installation at PV campus (AC,BP) set for completion in July/August 2002. 100% of vendor walk-throughs completed in March 2022. Walkthroughs determined the number and types of security cameras needed per campus to inform funding.
Additional walk throughs scheduled to determine if any gaps in critical areas per location.
Partially Completed
| Create opportunities for employee engagement |
4: Culture and Environment
2-Integrity: Ethical & Responsible Conduct
1. Promote and support opportunities for MCCPD to engage with personnel throughout the District.
2. Promote and support opportunities for MCCPD to participate in on-campus student facing events at campuses.
1. Develop and promote a calendar of 1 employee engagement opportunity at each campus.
2. Each employee to participate/volunteer for 2 on-campus student facing events per academic year.
1. Completion of 5 events, 1 per campus. 100% MCCPD participation per engagement opportunity. Participation/attendance of 10 external personnel for each engagement opportunity. 2. 100% employee participation/volunteer for on-campus student facing events per academic year.
1. MCCPD co-hosted a meet and greet event at each campus location with the rest of the legal unit with 33% of MCCPD employee participation overall per campus. - Blue River - April 4
- Longview - April 13
- Maple Woods - April 18
- Penn Valley - April 27
A minimum of 10 people attended each event. 2. 100% of MCCPD police officers participated in a minimum of 2 student-facing events districtwide as part of their official duties to include: Wolf Stock, Battle of the Bands, St. Patrick's Day parade, Flights of the Fancy, Commencement, Rockin in the Woods, etc. Dispatch was unable to participate in any activates. 100% of MCCPD Personnel (non-officer) completed 2 student-facing events.
1. MCCPD will focus on utilizing employee engagement opportunities as training opportunities. Given staffing considerations, it was not feasible for frontline supervisors at each campus to attend their respective meet and greet without adversely impacting the ability to provide safety and security services districtwide. Moving forward, employee engagement opportunities will be limited to MCCPD personnel in the Administrative Center and top front line supervisor.
2. Student facing opportunities will focus on front-line opportunities in Student Services areas. Given staffing considerations, it was not feasible for front line officers, frontline supervisors, and dispatchers to volunteer in student facing activities without adversely impacting the ability to provide safety and security services districtwide. Moving forward, student facing activities will be limited to MCCPD personnel in the Administrative Center.
| Advance MCC's Culture of Assessment |
4: Culture and Environment
5: Structure and Processes
5-Resources Planning & Institutional Effectiveness
1. Review and assess general orders and operational directives.
2. Develop MCCPD report card/assessment focused on crime statistics, operational guidelines, and overall operations.
1. Committee reviews or general orders and operational directives. Updates per committee recommendation.
2. Completion of annual report.
1. Completion by 02/28/2022.
2. 06/30/22 Annual Report report out.
1. MCCPD convened a committee to review MCCPD General Orders and Directives to ensure alignment and compliance with practices. The committee completed its review in February 2022.
2. 90% of the data has been collected and is under review to be placed in final form for the Report Card/Assessment Report. 70% of the Report Card/Assessment Report has been completed.
The committee will meet annually to review general orders. Reviews will be conducted through the lens of the Legal Unit Shares Services adopted strategic themes.