| Create opportunities for employee engagement |
4: Culture and Environment
5-Resources Planning & Institutional Effectiveness
1. Promote and support opportunities for Legal Office personnel to engage with personnel throughout the District. 2. Promote and support opportunities for Legal Office personnel to participate in on-campus student facing events at campuses.
1. Develop and promote a calendar of 1 employee engagement opportunity at each campus. 2. Percentage of employees who participate/volunteer for 2 on-campus student facing events per academic year.
1. Completion of 5 events, 1 per campus. 100% employee participation per engagement opportunity. Participation/attendance of 10 external personnel for each engagement opportunity. 2. 100% employee participation/volunteer for on-campus student facing events per academic year.
1. The legal department co-hosted a meet and greet event at each campus location with the rest of the legal unit with 88% legal department employee participation overall. - Blue River - April 4
- Longview - April 13
- Maple Woods - April 18
- Penn Valley - April 27
A minimum of 10 people attended each event. 2. 100% of employees of the legal department completed a minimum of 2 student-facing events districtwide to include: Campus Center Welcome Table Volunteer at Penn Valley and HSI, Welcome Back Waffles for students at Maple Woods, Grad Bag Distribution at Penn Valley, Project Success Student Workshop, Wolfpack Wellness Event for students at Maple Woods, Reading Strategies at Penn Valley, Scholars Day Volunteer at Longview Commencement Student Name Tag and Information Check-In Volunteer at Cable Dahmer Arena.
The legal department will focus on utilizing employee engagement opportunities as training opportunities. Student facing opportunities will focus on front-line opportunities in Student Services areas.
| Oversee improvement of safety and security practices |
5: Structure and Processes
5-Resources Planning & Institutional Effectiveness
Support development and implementation of the District Safety and Security Plan ensuring goal alignment with 2021 Climate Survey results as they relate to campus police and risk management.
Completion of plan development with staggered implementation of goals.
Ensure plan developed by December 31, 2021 with 25% of staggered goals implemented by end of FY'22.
The District Safety and Security Plan was developed under a two-prong approach: 1) The MCCPD Safety and Security plan and 2) EHS Program Plan.
1. The MCCPD Safety and Security plan was completed in November 2021. The Plan was development with staggered implementation of goals and informed by the 2021 Campus Climate Survey. Over 25% of the staggered goals for Phase 1 have been implemented. (7 of the 12 goals listed have been initiated or completed.) 2. The EHS Program Plan was completed in May 2022. The Program timeline is a two-phased approach with a 5 year staggered timeline of implementation of goals. For 2021-2022, of the 7 goals identified, 3 have been completed and 4 are in progress to be completed by June 30, 2022.
The MCCPD Safety and Security Plan and EHS Program Planwill be re-evaluated to incorporate key elements of the Homeland Security Infrastructure Survey Security & Resilience Report. Addition of these key elements will ensure a more robust District Safety and Security Plan that is informed by not only employee and student feedback but also the leading government agency in terrorism. The re-evaluation will assist in seeking appropriate resources, people and funding, to inform goal prioritization.
The EHS Program Plan will be re-evaluated to incorporate key elements of the Missouri Department of Natural Resource waste disposal reports written in 2022. The re-evaluation will assist in seeking appropriate resources, people and funding, to inform goal prioritization.
| Development and implementation of automated contract review process |
5: Structure and Processes
5-Resources Planning & Institutional Effectiveness
Develop and implement Phase 2 of the Project Plan for the automated workflow platform for contracts at or below the $25,000 threshold.
Achieving the substantive and deadline-driven targets set forth in the Project Plan.
4/30/2022 Deployment and Handoff
A phase 2 project plan was developed, with deadline-driven targets 60-75% complete. Deployment/handoff was not achieved due to staffing loss and project reprioritization within the IT department.
The legal department has obtained proposals and quotations from four vendors of contract management software solutions as a "back-up" option in the event FY23 budget dollars are available to support completion of this operational tactic.
Partially Completed
$25,000 annually is needed to purchase a contract management software solution to enable automating contract lifecycle management District-wide.
| Advance MCC's Culture of Assessment |
5: Structure and Processes
5-Resources Planning & Institutional Effectiveness
Develop Legal Office report card/assessment focus on legal landscape, legal operations, and external management.
Completion of an annual report.
06/30/22 Annual Report report out.
The annual assessment report is in process and will be ready for report out on 6/30/2022.
The legal department will continue to track and assess the legal landscape, legal operations, and external management.
Partially Completed