| Successful implementation of MCC's assessment and curriculum platform, eLumen. |
5: Structure and Processes
5-Resources Planning & Institutional Effectiveness
1. Emphasize the value of MCC's new assessment and curriculum platform, eLumen, to all MCC faculty 2. Regularly provide eLumen configuration and implementation updates to faculty, leadership, and staff.
1. Newsletters from the CAO and the Office of Academic Affairs will document updates on eLumen. 2. Number of new program opportunities created with local school districts
1. Monthly notices/reports during active semesters 2. 3 new opportunities with local school districts
Updates around assessment were included in the CAO newsletter as well as all meetings facilitated by myself on behalf of the Academic Affairs office (examples: Deans and Directors and DACC).
Updates from the CAO in the CAO newsletter will continue along with dedicated time reporting out on assessment at meetings facilitated by myself.
| Refine the recently developed Articulations process. |
5: Structure and Processes
4-Teaching & Learning: Evaluation & Improvement
1. Update the district-wide process for Articulation agreements with other Colleges and Universities. 2. Publish the Articulation process internally and publicly. 3. Organize and improve the collection of Articulation agreements.
1. Consult with Campus Deans of Instruction, Vice Presidents, and the college Registrar to establish and document the Articulation process. 2. Consult with MCC web team of publicizing the Articulation process on the Intranet (Info Exchange) and website for outside higher learning entities. 3. Develop an in-house documentation process to serve as a district repository for housing MCC's Articulation Agreements.
1. By the end of April 2022 2. By the end of April 2022 3. By the end of March 2022
A district-wide process has been developed for publicizing articulation agreements. Consultation with campus leadership and the registrar has occurred and will continue. Publicizing of the Articulation Process on Info Ex as well as for outside learning entities has occurred. An in-house documentation process has been developed for housing MCC Articulation Agreements.
Work will continue in fine-tuning the document repository for the Articulation Agreements. Conversations with four year partners are occurring around updating existing agreements to affirm currency or to create new agreements.
| Refine the Dual Credit Strategic Plan to increase enrollment for dual credit students. |
5: Structure and Processes
4-Teaching & Learning: Evaluation & Improvement
1. Update and the recently developed strategic plan toward increasing enrollment and reducing barriers in processes. 2. Continue efforts to create more program opportunities with local school districts. 3.Continue efforts in developing new partnerships among local school districts.
1. Refine the recently developed strategic plan toward increasing enrollment and reducing barriers in processes. 2. Continue efforts to create more program opportunities with local school districts. 3. Continue developing new partnerships among local school districts
1. January - February 2022 2. April 2022 3. By May 2022
Progress is being made with increasing enrollment and reducing barriers in processes associated to dual credit. New program opportunities have been emerging with local school districts, and the development of new partnerships with school districts is happening.
A restructuring of the district positions associated to the dual credit work is underway to ensure the best strategy and support for dual credit program. Continued progress will occur to increase enrollment and to reduce barriers in processes associated to dual credit. New program opportunities will continue to be identified with local school districts, and the development of new partnerships with school districts will continue to be a priority for the college.
Partially Completed
| Advance MCC's Culture of Assessment |
5: Structure and Processes
4-Teaching & Learning: Evaluation & Improvement
1. Attend/Co-Sponsor assessment training presentations. 2. Agenda item in all team meetings
1. Sessions attended 2. Percent of meetings where assessment was on the agenda and discussed
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Weekly co-sponsoring of training sessions occurred with faculty, and 100% of meetings I attended had assessment on the agenda and discussions occurred.
Co-sponsorship of assessment trainings and information sessions will occur, and all meetings I attend will include assessment on the agenda.