| Identify and implement continuous activities/actions to contribute favorably to the "Total Experience" in the most efficient and effective ways to improve services provided to all patrons in the College community. |
3: Resource Development +Alignment
4: Culture and Environment
5: Structure and Processes
5-Resources Planning & Institutional Effectiveness
1. Complete the Business & Technology program relocation.
2. Improve classrooms using available resources (HERRF, Bond, M&R)
3. Fully implement in-house construction/ paint rotation program with DCOs.
1. Completion dates for ETEC, ATSI, and BR East projects.
2. Completion date for second round of COVID classroom refresh.
3. Frequency of meetings with DCOs prior to the start of the rotation.
Target #1: Have ETEC building ready for start of Fall Semester 2021; Complete ATSI for start of Spring 2022; Complete Blue River East for start of Spring 2022.
Target #2: Complete second round of COVID classroom refresh by the start of Fall Semester 2021; Continue to refresh classrooms as resources become available.
Target #3: Meet with DCOs once each semester 30 days prior to start of rotation. Provide closeout reports per agreement.
ETEC and other capital projects are being closed out as successful projects.
Operations have successfully meet COVID needs for the College.
Meeting with DCOs to discuss how best to utilize assigned resources to optimize MCC facilities improvements, e.g. continued roof repairs, HVAC, classroom/Lab refresh, etc.
Completion of major capital projects now requires attention other projects.
Begin to explore post-pandemic activities needed.
Meeting with DCOs is ongoing.
Will continue to need an infusion of appropriate funding to complete these projects and prepare for the next round.
| Improve communications via available resources and all modalities to allow patrons to not only assist themselves, but navigate successfully through MCC's required protocols and policies. |
3: Resource Development +Alignment
4: Culture and Environment
5: Structure and Processes
2-Integrity: Ethical & Responsible Conduct
4-Teaching & Learning: Evaluation & Improvement
5-Resources Planning & Institutional Effectiveness
1. Implement Web TMA version 7
2. Ensure that Facilities Sustainability committee meets on a regular basis. 3. Improve Student and Employee access to work request system (iService Desk).
1. Implementation timelines for Web TMA version 7
2. Frequency of Facilities Sustainability meetings
3. Communication to students/employees during academic year on how to access iService Desk.
Target #1: Implement Web TMA version 7 by Spring 2022
Target #2: Conduct four Facilities Sustainability meetings per fiscal year.
Target #3: Send out two communications to students/employees during academic year.
Changing in staffing has negatively affected the TMA implementation to its fullest. Facilities sustainability meetings have been held.
Communications are sent out as needed.
TMA update and implementation is back on track.
Sustainability meetings are ongoing.
Communications and appropriateness are being explored.
Partially Completed
| Participate in professional development by attending regional conferences/workshops |
3: Resource Development +Alignment
4: Culture and Environment
5: Structure and Processes
2-Integrity: Ethical & Responsible Conduct
4-Teaching & Learning: Evaluation & Improvement
5-Resources Planning & Institutional Effectiveness
1. Attend CAPPA National/Regional Conference. 2. Attend SCUP National/Regional Conference 3. Attend Annual Web TMA training/webinar.
1. Number of attendees sent to APPA conferences
2. Number of attendees sent to SCUP conferences
3. Number of attendees at annual Web TMA training
Target #1: Send two attendees to APPA conferences. Target #2: Send two attendees to SCUP conferences. Target #3: Have 5 attendees at annual Web TMA training.
1. One person attended CAAPA
2. One person attended SCUP
3. Multiple attended virtually.
We will plan to attend APPA and SCUP conferences again this year along with the TMA annual training. The attendees gain a deeper understanding of current trends in college facilities and planning as well as an opportunity to share and garner lessons learned with colleagues. We plan to send representatives again this year to all three events.
| Advance MCC's Culture of Assessment |
4: Culture and Environment
4-Teaching & Learning: Evaluation & Improvement
5-Resources Planning & Institutional Effectiveness
1. Complete Longview High Tech Auto / Collision addition.. 2. Complete Maplewoods STC Fitness Center addition. 3. Complete Broadway Plaza renovation. 4. Update Surplus board policy.. 5. Review other Facilities policies and procedures.
1. Completion date for LV High Tech Auto/Collision addition
2. Completion date for MW STC Fitness Center addition
3. Completion date for Broadway Plaza renovation
4. Date surplus policy is updated by
5. Date by which additional facility policy changes are submitted to CPRC
Target #1: Complete LV High Tech Auto / Collision Addition by Fall 2022; make significant progress by end of FY2022.
Target #2: Complete MW STC Fitness Center addition by Fall 2022; make significant progress by end of FY2022.
Target #3: Complete Broadway Plaza Renovation by 31 March 2022.
Target #4: Update Surplus board policy by end of FY2022.
Target #5: Submit additional facility policy changes to CPRC by end of FY2022.
High Tech Collision project on schedule and on target.
Fitness Center project is moving forward.
Broadway Plaza project is in progress.
Efforts to complete the projects are ongoing with expectations to complete on budget and on schedule.
Partially Completed