| Identify and implement continuous activities/actions to contribute favorably to the "Total Experience" in the most efficient and effective ways to improve services provided to all patrons in the College community. |
3: Resource Development +Alignment
4: Culture and Environment
5: Structure and Processes
5-Resources Planning & Institutional Effectiveness
Offer regular trainings for procurement process and P-card reporting to stress the importance of account coding.
The frequency of procurement and P-card trainings offered.
Each quarter, provide procurement and P-card training at each campus, depending on who needs training at each location. Provide a minimum of 4 trainings per quarter.
Care out taskforce assignments to improve auxiliary services contracted services.
Examine and change processes that may improve the experience like auxiliary services Bookstore, Food Services, as well as operational activities.
Has lead to revamping of P-Card processes that will be rolled out in September 2022.
Auxiliary Services continues to look at how best to provide bookstore, food services, etc. to the MCC Community.
Partially Completed
| Improve communications via available resources and all modalities to allow patrons to not only assist themselves, but navigate successfully through MCC's required protocols and policies. |
3: Resource Development +Alignment
4: Culture and Environment
5: Structure and Processes
2-Integrity: Ethical & Responsible Conduct
4-Teaching & Learning: Evaluation & Improvement
5-Resources Planning & Institutional Effectiveness
1. Update Request for Board Action Submission Schedule on InfoExchange to match what is available on the MCCkc.edu website.
2. Ensure Vendor Information on public website is up to date and easily accessible.
1. Timeframe for updating request for board action schedule.
2. Frequency of review of vendor information on the website.
1. Update Request for Board Action schedule within 3 months and update for the next year by December. 2. Review that information on the website for Vendors is up to date monthly.
Change in BoardDocs users and guardians has allowed for some changes, but has also delayed others.
Website information updated.
The team will continue to collaborate on ways to improve the Board preparation process.
With the current updates to the Website, now we will maintain.
| Participate in professional development by attending regional conferences/workshops |
3: Resource Development +Alignment
4: Culture and Environment
5: Structure and Processes
2-Integrity: Ethical & Responsible Conduct
4-Teaching & Learning: Evaluation & Improvement
5-Resources Planning & Institutional Effectiveness
1. Track available procurement conferences that would benefit the procurement department. 2. Prepare to attend national NAEP conference Summer 2022.
Number of regional conferences attended.
Attend 2 regional conferences
Executive Director attended NAEP District 5 Regional Conference November 7-10, 2021 Exec Director and staff attended Congresswoman State Procurement Conference in Warrensburg on October 12, 2021.
Staff attended National Procurement Card Conference in April 2022.
Team members are being encouraged to explore options and participate as appropriate.
| Advance MCC's Culture of Assessment |
4: Culture and Environment
4-Teaching & Learning: Evaluation & Improvement
5-Resources Planning & Institutional Effectiveness
1. Develop method to assess each MCC department's spending with diverse supplies. Once calculated, use assessment results to inspire departments to buy from diverse suppliers. 2. Measure how effective procurement and P-card training is to reduce the information that needs to be corrected by the procurement department.
1. Frequency of calculation and report out of departmental utilization of diverse suppliers
2. Percentage decrease in the number of account coding correction to be completed by the procurement department.
1. Assess performance on quarterly basis. Report percentage of spending at diverse suppliers to each department on a quarterly basis. 2. Decrease number of account coding corrections to be completed by procurement department by 20%
Measurements are still being defined for departmental related diverse spend. Looking for software tool to assist in process.
Have built new processes into procurement card coding that allow for more timely completion of approvals and accuracy of account codes being used.
Will allow for more timely and accurate reporting.
Partially Completed