| Identify and implement continuous activities/actions to contribute favorably to the "Total Experience" in the most efficient and effective ways to improve services provided to all patrons in the College community. |
3: Resource Development +Alignment
4: Culture and Environment
5: Structure and Processes
5-Resources Planning & Institutional Effectiveness
#1: Maintain Budget Calendar. #2: Maintain Position Tracking. #3: Identify if there are areas of improvement for the annual Budget Planning process.
#1: Frequency of budget calendar review
#2: Frequency of position tracking file updates
#3: Implement feedback from prior years' processes.
Target #1: Regularly review the budget calendar. Update as needed. Target #2: Regularly update the position tracking file. Investigate if it could be helpful in other processes or departments (HR, for example). Target #3: Gather feedback from prior years processes. Implement changes, if any.
MCC's Budget Calendar won 1st place for CACUBO's Best Practices Award. A trophy was received and a presentation given the at CACUBO's annual conference.
The position tracking file is updated almost daily and has proved to be a very helpful budget resource.
A meeting was held in July to discuss how the FY22 budget planning process went. Changes were implemented into FY23 budget planning (for example, preloading FY23 budgets since we were using incremental and flat for the model).
The Budget Calendar will continue to be reviewed regularly and updated as needed.
The Position Tracking file will continue to be updated regularly. This has proven to be a very helpful tool for the Budget Office as well as for others.
Process review meetings will continue. Next to be scheduled will be FY23 budget planning followup.
| Improve communications via available resources and all modalities to allow patrons to not only assist themselves, but navigate successfully through MCC's required protocols and policies. |
3: Resource Development +Alignment
4: Culture and Environment
5: Structure and Processes
2-Integrity: Ethical & Responsible Conduct
4-Teaching & Learning: Evaluation & Improvement
5-Resources Planning & Institutional Effectiveness
1. Trainings led by the Budget office. Identify if additional training opportunities exist. 2. Internal website presence on InfoEx. 3. Budget Office Process Procedures |
1. Number of Budget 101 trainings scheduled
2. Timeline for updating Budget Office InfoEx page
3. Timeline for reviewing and updating each process file.
Target #1: 6 or more Target #2: By end of December. Add new fiscal year planning files timely. Target #3: Prior to fiscal year end. Create new documented processes if gap exists.
Before the end of November, 7 virtual Budget 101 trainings were given. The redesign of the Budget Office's InfoEx page was completed Nov. 2021.
Updating internal procedures is an ongoing process. Core functions remain unchanged, but external influences continue to change and we continue to adjust.
The Budget Office will continue to schedule Budget 101 trainings out into the future so areas are able to plan ahead with training.
InfoEx will continue to be updated with new and updated material as needed.
Internal procedures will continued to be reviewed and updated as needed.
| Participate in professional development by attending regional conferences/workshops |
3: Resource Development +Alignment
4: Culture and Environment
5: Structure and Processes
2-Integrity: Ethical & Responsible Conduct
4-Teaching & Learning: Evaluation & Improvement
5-Resources Planning & Institutional Effectiveness
Seek opportunities to participate in professional development activites.
Number of professional development opportunities directly related to Budget and Planning attended.
At least one. Options include: NACUBO Budget & Planning Forum, Sept. 13-14, 17 CACUBO Annual Conference, Sept. 27-29
Full attendance in both conferences complete.
Various webinars have also been attended through NACUBO, CACUBO and MCCA.
The Budget Office will continue to seek opportunities to participate in professional development activities.
| Advance MCC's Culture of Assessment. |
4: Culture and Environment
4-Teaching & Learning: Evaluation & Improvement
5-Resources Planning & Institutional Effectiveness
Review MCC Budget Book to identify opportunities to solidify linkages between fiscal planning and college planning.
Meet with the Office of Enterprise Project Management, Planning, and Institutional Effectiveness to discuss potential revisions.
Meet by February 15, 2022
4.05010 BP has been reviewed. No changes recommended.
Redesign of the Budget & Planning InfoEx page completed Nov. 2021.
Budget Book is planned to include the new Strategic Plan. The final version of the adopted budget book will be presented to the Board of Trustees for approval at the end of June.
Beginning this fiscal year, the Budget Office created a very short survey to send after Budget 101 trainings. Response has been high and helpful. Changes have been implemented.
Budget 101 training surveys will continue for ongoing performance and material monitoring.
The Budget Book will be adjusted annually as needed.
InfoEx will continue to be updated with new and updated material as needed.