| Community Engagement: Foster positive relationships in the Northland that result in overwhelming support for MCC, MW |
3: Resource Development +Alignment
4: Culture and Environment
1. Continue to work with Northland Businesses to sustain and build positive relationships and promote MCC, MCC-Maple Woods, and what we have to offer.
1. a. Host meetings for Northland Regional Chamber meetings on the MCC-Maple Woods campus throughout the academic year. This includes the Northland Leadership Committee and Education Committee.
b. Continue to share enrollment and event information with Northland area business. This is information that they have the opportunity to share with their employees as well to promote enrollment for adult learners.
1. a. Northland Chamber of Commerce Leadership and Education Committee participants. Host at least one meeting for each committee.
b. Over 600 Northland area businesses. Share enrollment and event information relevant to adult learners.
1. a. We were able to host a Northland Regional Chamber Education Committee meeting on campus . The meeting was held on 11/10/21 and there were many influential members of the Northland present. We were also able to present to and share information about MCC and MCC-Maple Woods with the committee members. They also received information and MCC "swag" to take with them. Additionally, on 2/28/22 we hosted the Northland Regional Chambers Youth Leadership group. This group features student leaders from our high school service area. The students were also able to receive a presentation and information about MCC and MCC-Maple Woods as a part of their day.
b. We continue to share information regarding events and enrollment with our area business, through the help of the Northland Reginal Chamber of Commerce and the directory they provide each year. These messages are geared towards adult learners and features events such as our Adult Learner Nights.
1. a. We do feel that continuing our strong relationship and the Northland Chamber of Commerce is beneficial. By hosting these meetings we are able to create another avenue to do so. It is also a great opportunity to continue to meet leaders in the Northland and build partnerships with those businesses and individuals. We hope to continue to increase these opportunities to host these events.
b. We will continue to share enrollment and event information with our area businesses. One improvement that we are looking at is the structure of our Adult Learner Nights. Additionally, we will be working to see if we can create some more face-to-face opportunities with more of the businesses.
| Employee Experience: Foster a collaborative culture that creates a sense of belonging to the greater whole for the MW Campus. |
1: Student Success
4: Culture and Environment
Create opportunities to appreciate student services staff. This effort will help to recognize and support our staff and their efforts, which helps with employee morale and can have a positive impact on student experience and success.
1. a. Recognize and highlight each staff member through the end of FY22. This will be accomplished through an email highlighting an individual for their work and accomplishments.
b. Host "happy hour" events each semester for Student Services staff. We will also invite our administrative team and faculty leaders. These events may be virtual to limit and potential exposure and contact tracing.
1. a. Approximately 45 Student Services full-time and part-time staff.
b. All Student Services Staff, MW Administrators, and MW Division Chairs will be invited. Goal is to have one per semester.
1. a. Throughout the academic year, we have aimed to acknowledge all of our Student Services staff (full-time and part-time). We have done and continue to do so. The message is shared with MW Everyone allows individuals to be appreciated and for others across the campus to get to know our teams a little more. Each individual also receives a certificate, gift of appreciation, and snacks as well.
b. We did not host a happy hour for Student Services this academic year. We were able to have staff participate in some other events, which were offered through the MW President's Office.
1. a. We did learn that staying consistent with the messages and fitting all staff into the academic year (one per week) can be a little demanding. This was one of the reasons for us making this a goal for the end of the fiscal year. We will more than likely go past that point as well. We also learned that not everyone wants to be publicly recognized, which is ok. We chose to recognize those individuals silently. Additionally, as we move into the next Academic year, we would also like to recognize groups, such as faculty, facilities, campus police, etc. Overall though, this has been a great effort. Many staff are very appreciative and others, such as faculty, have complimented the effort and appreciate getting to know more about the staff on campus.
b. One of the reasons this became a challenge was because of the changes in COVID precautions. We went back in forth for a while and ultimately ran out of time. We do plan to have a retreat style event this summer for MW Student Services.
Partially Completed
| Equity Agenda: Support the development and implementation of a comprehensive equity strategy for the college. |
1: Student Success
2: Equity Diversity and Inclusion
2-Integrity: Ethical & Responsible Conduct
1. Offer education, opportunities, and events that revolve around the topic of Unconscious Bias. This will be done in conjunction with the MW Inclusion and Engagement Council.
2. Continue to offer programming through clubs and organizations, such as Sexuality and Gender Acceptance (SAGA) . This includes our Sister Circle and Men of Courage, Character, and Culture (MOC3) groups.
1. Offer educational opportunities to the campus to bring awareness to Unconscious Bias. We will also look to host an event/activity for the campus about this topic.
2. Continue to hold sessions for our Sister Circle and MOC3 groups. Additionally, we are looking to have male students of color participate in the 2021 Men of Color Student Leadership Institute (MOCSLI).
1. MW Employees and Students.
2. Student Clubs and organizations such as Sexuality and Gender Acceptance (SAGA) and our Sister Circle and MOC3 groups.
1. We were able to promote information about unconscious bias to the campus community via email. This included information about unconscious bias and the the many types of unconscious biases that exist. We we were also able to integrate the topic into our sessions and discussions with our Sister Circle and Men of Courage, Character, and Culture (MOC3) groups. The also included a showing of an episode of 100 Humans that focused on unconscious bias. Additionally, we were able to include the topic in our Women in the Workplace panel, which was held on campus on March 2nd.
2. We were successful with keeping our Sister Circle and MOC3 groups meeting and moving. Both groups were able to hold "Real Talk" sessions throughout each semester. These meetings were held monthly by each group and proved to provide some needed conversations and support for the students. We were also able to have approximately 8 students across the MCC District participate in the virtual 2021 Men of Color Student Leadership Institute (MOCSLI) event. Three of these students were MCC-Maple Woods students and one of our MW students was featured on the student panel sessions. Additionally, these three students also won prizes and scholarships during the event.
1. a. We would like to continue our efforts of bringing attention and learning to topics such as unconscious bias to the MCC-Maple Woods campus and community. One area of improvement is to continue to learn to lean on the individuals and resources through our MW Inclusion & Engagement Council. A good example of this was the Northland Ethnic Festival, where two faculty members of the committee were able to take the lead on MCC-Maple Woods having a presence at the event.
b. Efforts for MOC3, Sister Circle, and other like groups will continue. We did learn that we will need to continue to find ways to gain more participation in the groups. This is true across the board for student involvement. A lot of this seems to still be the remnants of the pandemic. For MOC3 we are also looking at doing some restructuring to the name, logo, and doing more promotion for students...especially through faculty and the classrooms. There were several students who became very involved in each group due to be referred to them by an instructor.
| Advance MCC's Culture of Assessment |
1: Student Success
4-Teaching & Learning: Evaluation & Improvement
Continue progress on creating partnerships with faculty to offer co-curricular programming, while assessing these offerings.
1. Number of co-curricular programs offered each semester. Work with our MW Student Engagement Office to assess the program for effectiveness, successes, and areas of improvement.
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1. For the academic year, we were able to have 10 Student Success Workshops (Jessica Halperin), Oxfam Hunger Banquet (Crystal Moore) and The COVID Experience (Sociology instructors). We were also able to assess those workshops through surveys and are analyzing those results to aide in planning for the next academic year. The Student Success Workshops were also a huge success and our Campus Life and Leadership Coordinator (Kaitlyn Kelly) and Sociology Instructor (Jessica Halperin) presented this effort and results to the MCC Board of Trustees at a fall 2021 board meeting. Additionally, through the leadership of our Student Engagement Manager (Rowdy Pyle) we were able to host the first ever Student Engagement Showcase on February 16, 2022. The just of this event was to showcase our successful co-curricular programming, have discussions on the topic, share data, and ultimately encourage even more involvement.
We just want to continue to build on the momentum built this past academic year. We will continue to analyze the results of the surveys and assessments to strengthen the programming. We are also looking to continue to get even more faculty involved in these efforts.