| Support the Culture of Assessment: Work with team to prepare and assess 2 "FYE-related" programs. |
1: Student Success
3-Teaching & Learning: Quality Resources & Support
1. Provide support to team to ensure planned program is inclusive of needed units.
2. Ensure appropriate student learning outcomes are established and assessment document and process are ready.
3. Assist, as needed, with ensuring students have an opportunity to complete the assessment.
1. Did the program include the prescribed elements? 2. Were the student learning outcomes established and the assessment document prepared in advance of the program? 3. Did students have an opportunity to complete the assessment?
1. 100% of prescribed elements are included in program.
2. Student learning outcomes established and assessment document complete a week prior to program.
3. 100% of students had an opportunity to complete the assessment following the program.
1. Yes, the programs and assessment surveys included the prescribed elements.
2. Yes, Student Learning Outcomes were established for each program and the survey addressed the learning/ understanding that each student gathered from that program.
3. Yes, all involved students had an opportunity to complete the assessment survey.
Information from the surveys is being used to update and improve each of the programs. Wolfpack Welcome Surveys in August, 2021: 345 students completed it. All but 2 students either strongly agreed or agreed that they now understand how involvement can help them develop important life skills. All but 2 stated they now understand how Career Exploration & identifying additional resources are important to their success. All but 1 said they understand the importance of engaging with instructions inside & outside the classroom. Full overview is attached. First Generation College Celebration on 11/8/21: 6 students completed survey. All 6 said the content presented was very helpful or extremely helpful. All said the event was excellent or very good. Full overview is attached.
| Improve the Employee Experience: Provide support to LV student services employees, supervisors, and managers. |
4: Culture and Environment
2-Integrity: Ethical & Responsible Conduct
Create and provide a team-building program for all LV student services staff and faculty.
Offer group sessions with LV Student Services supervisors and managers focusing on leadership strategies.
Facilitate individual sessions with LV Student Services supervisors and managers.
1. Program offered.
2. Sessions provided.
3. Meetings facilitated.
1. 1 during the year
2. At least 2
3. At least 3
1. A Retreat for all LV Student Services employees is planned for June 24, 2022. Sessions will include the following topics: the Enneagram personality test to help us understand ourselves and one another better; overview of Fall, 2022 Common Read book and discussion of inserting the concept of empathy into our daily work; and developing Taleo goals that connect with the LV Student Services IEPs, LV Campus Goals, and the MCC Strategic Plan. 2. Two Lunch and Learn meetings are scheduled for June for supervisors and managers - with a focus on leadership and planning for the year ahead. 3. In February, 2022, the Dean held individual meetings with each LV Student Services supervisor and manager, discussing what professional development they believe would be beneficial for them and their teams.
Half of the LV Student Services supervisors and managers were new to their roles and/or the institution in 2021-2022, so we will have an on-going need to support and develop our teams. The results will be fully complete as of June 30, and we will likely provide similar programs and meetings - with different topics - in the year ahead.
Partially Completed
| Improve the Student Experience: Co-Chair the Steering Committee for SWIM Implementation |
5: Structure and Processes
3-Teaching & Learning: Quality Resources & Support
1. Work with Karen Moore and others to determine the Steering Committee and establish expectations.
2. Plan meetings and agendas.
3. Execute meetings and work with Steering Committee members toward accomplishing established goals.
1. Steering Committee established and responsibilities outlined. 2. Meetings scheduled and agendas beneficial to move us forward. 3. Targets met.
1. Steering Committee and 4 work teams confirmed by October 31, 2021 2. Regular meetings, held monthly from November 2021 - April 2023 3. 100% of targets met.
1. Steering Committee and 4 work teams established in October/November, 2021. 2. Each group met regularly through March, 2022. 3. Most initial targets were met; new strategies were developed with the CSAO and CAO, and confirmed by the Executive Cabinet & Chancellor in March, 2022. New teams have been developed and a broader scope was redefined that will now include Onboarding Processes & Communications, FYE, Advising & Student Support Models, Student Outcomes & Evaluation, Progress & Completion, Academic & Career Pathways, Training & Professional Development, and Enrollment, Retention & Completion Success Metrics.
Yes, there is an emphasis on continuous improvement. We gathered information from the original teams, plus many faculty and staff not assigned to these teams, and expanded the focus and plans for the Wolfpack Experience Re-Imagined work. We've also extended the timeline and determined continuous improvement well beyond Fall, 2022.
Partially Completed
| Support the Equity Agenda |
2: Equity Diversity and Inclusion
2-Integrity: Ethical & Responsible Conduct
Work with LV Inclusion and Engagement Council to provide a program at LV focused on microaggressions.
Provide the program in Spring, 2022.
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A workshop on Microaggressions was offered for LV employees on December 1, 2021. The program was offered again (during 2 break-out sessions) at the MCC Student Services Professional Development Day on March 25, 2022. The program was offered again during the the MCC Student Leadership Summit on April 8, 2022.
The LV Inclusion and Engagement Council will continue to provide workshops for LV employees and students on relevant DEI topics.