| Disseminate CRLA tutor training program and peer mentoring program across the college; document process for funding Supplemental Instruction; assure appropriate standardization of programming in Learning Centers; establish common core service hours. |
1: Student Success
3-Teaching & Learning: Quality Resources & Support
Participate in planning groups to improve Learning Center processes; meet with campus faculty and staff to assist in improvement implementation.
Processes put in place for implementation of first-year Learning Center goals by the end of AY22.
All first-year goals in place; funding included in the AY23 budget.
Prior to Spring 2022 semester, tutors at all campuses were provided an opportunity to pursue CRLA tutor training, coordinated by the Longview Learning Center. Centers are currently observing common service hours and working on future plans to coordinate on virtual tutoring models. Funding for Supplemental Instruction has been secured for 2022-23.
Challenges in regard to tutor hiring, budget usage, and leadership transitions have somewhat limited the District-wide implementation of Learning Center plans. Longview will be well-positioned, however, to take a lead role as that process evolves in the coming year.
Partially Completed
| Develop and refine campus communication processes so that employees are better informed and aware of opportunities to engage in activities of importance and interest. |
4: Culture and Environment
5-Resources Planning & Institutional Effectiveness
Oversee creating systems and processes to capture and catalog opportunities for employee engagement; develop communication protocols for existing communication channels and create new alternative communication channels as needed; operationalize the system and conduct focus groups to evaluate effectiveness.
Processes documented; increase in observable employee engagement; focus group satisfaction with engagement opportunities and administrative support.
A successful process documented; specific processes developed to measure employee engagement beyond employee perception and satisfaction; creation of an engagement baseline.
During 2021-22, the Vice President's Office developed a process for capturing engagement opportunities and other campus activities and distributing these out through weekly announcements to the campus community. This has been facilitated in part through oversight and guidance from the Longview Campus Calendar Committee. The Calendar Committee was convened at the end of the Spring 2022 semester to discuss the effectiveness of this process, which led to a general consensus that it is working and should be continued in the coming year.
Campus leadership will continue to seek ways of increasing transparency at Longview and improving awareness among all stakeholders for engagement opportunities.
| Create a mechanism for identifying systemic racism embedded in processes and procedures for the purpose of redesigning processes and procedures to be more equitable. |
2: Equity Diversity and Inclusion
2-Integrity: Ethical & Responsible Conduct
Partner with Campus Inclusion and Engagement Council to design a non-threatening process for collecting examples of barriers to inclusion and conveying information to campus leadership.
Suggestions for eliminating barriers received by campus leadership and action taken to reduce or eliminate barriers to inclusion.
At least two suggestions received and acted upon; satisfaction improvement on campus climate survey.
Longview boasted an active Campus Inclusion and Engagement Council in 2021-22, and suggestions from this group led to programming around the campus's DEI theme. One example is the Microaggression workshop offered to employees during both the Fall 2021 and Spring 2022 semesters. Additional work specific to identifying challenges within our processes and procedures was disrupted by the leadership transition resulting from vacancy in the Vice President role for most of the spring term. We will re-review these components of the goal and explore ways of approaching this work in future years.
We will continue to engage the Campus Inclusion and Engagement Council and align with efforts of the District Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion office in the coming year.
Partially Completed
| Advance MCC's Culture of Assessment |
5: Structure and Processes
4-Teaching & Learning: Evaluation & Improvement
1. Attend/Co-Sponsor assessment training presentations. 2. Agenda item in all FYE planning meetings 3. Classroom and co-curricular support
1. Sessions attended 2. Percent of meetings where assessment was on the agenda and discussed 3. Attend a class or event where assessments are occurring.
1. 2/semester 2. 100% 3. 1/semester
During the 2021-22 academic year, campus leadership stressed the importance of securing faculty buy-in for assessment, mindful of the need to increase participation in and reporting of course-based assessment in our classes. At Longview, the Vice President worked with the Dean of Instruction to ensure that Division Chairs and faculty were focused on improving completion rates on these assessments. Additionally, the Vice President took a lead role within the First-Year Experience Taskforce in establishing a baseline of assessment techniques and metrics to be used in the ultimate development of a robust assessment plan for First-Year Experience. Analyzing data from Fall 2021, 80% of MCC's faculty whose classes were scheduled for assessment that term completed and reported their outcomes. Overall, 76% of eligible students completed learning outcome assessment (compared to our goal of 56%), with 82% of those students achieving the level of "met expectations" (compared to our goal of 70%). In regard to First-Year Experience, the baseline study of assessment methods for current activities and initiatives is currently informing discussions of how to move forward with FYE programming, as well as co-curricular programming more broadly.
Moving ahead, it will be important to continue working toward normalizing course-based assessment of learning outcomes so that it becomes internalized in our instructional work each semester. In the coming year, additional assessment work will need to be focused around a variety of co-curricular initiatives, not only First-Year Experience but also Civic Action Plan programming and activities that could be related to potential Community and Civic Engagement and Social Justice Institutes.