| Support the development and implementation of a comprehensive equity strategy for the College. |
2: Equity Diversity and Inclusion
Support the Campus Diversity and Inclusion Council and encourage progress on goals and initiatives of the council.
1) Regularly attend Campus Diversity and Inclusion Council meetings.
2) Address diversity and inclusion in weekly updates to the campus community.
3) Be visible at diversity and inclusion events on campus.
1) Attend 75% of the meetings.
2) At least monthly mentions of diversity and inclusion in weekly updates.
3) Participate in at least 50% of diversity and inclusion related events.
1. Attended 7 of 8 meetings (87.5%).
2. Mentions of DEI efforts or program promotions were included in weekly updates on 8/16, 9/13, 9/27, 10/11, 10/11/8, 11/11, 11/30, 1/18, 2/1, 2/10, 2/23, 3/24, 4/7, 4/27, and 5/5.
3. Participated in 6 DEI-related events, including the Microaggressions workshop presented by the LV Diversity and Inclusion Council.
The next steps in creating a welcoming environment for all at LV, is expanding the circle of employees who participate in and promote DEI work and deepening it beyond events and promotion of those events.
| Implement the moon shot to enhance the student experience. |
1: Student Success
3-Teaching & Learning: Quality Resources & Support
5-Resources Planning & Institutional Effectiveness
Focus on implementation of the district-wide redesigned student on-boarding/experience process developed with the support of Swim consultants.
Inspire the campus to create a sense of belonging for students as part of retention efforts.
1) Ensure that Longview staff participate in the Swim process for redesigning the student experience. 2) Focus on student sense of belonging as a retention strategy. 3) Engage campus leaders in district and/or campus student experience initiatives.
1) 100% of the enrollment center staff will be trained on new student onboarding process by April 1. 2) "Sense of belonging" messaging included in campus communications at least once a month. 3) Each LV administrator will lead at least one student experience initiative.
1) The Wolf Pack Student Experience Re-imagined timeline has been stretched out into the next year, so finalizing process improvements and training will happen FY23. Longview staff are participating in the process and the Dean of Student Development and Enrollment Management is co-leading the effort.
2) Mention of creating a sense of belonging or inclusiveness has been addressed at least monthly through the weekly update emails.
3) The Dean of Student Development and Enrollment Management is co-leading the district-wide Wolf Pack Student Experience Re-imagined Steering Committee, the Vice President is providing leadership to the First-Year Experience efforts and the Civic Engagement Action Planning; the Dean of Instruction led instructional assessment efforts and works with the faculty on the common read; and the Director of Campus Operations led the process of identifying and securing updated furnishings for student areas in each building to create more "sticky" spaces.
This work will continue into the upcoming year(s), as it is not a once and done tactic, but on-going effort to change culture and create a focus on systemic change related to student success.
Partially Completed
| Create opportunities for employee engagement. |
4: Culture and Environment
5-Resources Planning & Institutional Effectiveness
1) Get to know all full-time Longview employees.
2) Engage employees in determining campus traditions to bring back from the past as part of "honoring the past to build a foundation for the future".
1) Meet with all full-time employees by December 22, 2021. 2) Reinstated or honored traditions at the campus.
1) 100% of full-time employees.
2) At least one tradition is reinstated/honored at the campus.
1) Met with 100% of full-time employees by 12/20/2022.
2) Re-instated the employee holiday gathering and the Flights of Fancy Kite Festival, so reinstated two traditional events. In addition, supporting the clean up of the koi pond, and supporting the Honors program with a budget allocation.
Put process in place to ensure I meet with new employees at the campus. And, communicated weekly open office hours, to allow for on-going relationship building, as employees want to meet with me.
Laid the foundation for continued work in the next year on either bringing back past traditions (like welcoming retirees to campus for their luncheons) and for building new traditions as we launch the new strategic plan for the campus.
Reprioritized campus budget to support these efforts, so additional budget dollars are not necessary.
| Advance MCC's Culture of Assessment |
1: Student Success
4-Teaching & Learning: Evaluation & Improvement
Hold the campus leadership accountable for completing planned assessments for the year.
1) Percentage of students assessed in targeted courses for the year.
2) Number of co-curricular programs assessed.
3) Demonstrated improvements made to programs as a result of assessment.
1) Longview will meet or exceed the district benchmark for completing course assessments. 2) Longview will meet or exceed the co-curricular benchmarks for completing co-curricular assessments
3) Documentation of improvements made to programs as a result of assessment.
1. 80% of MCC's faculty whose classes were scheduled for assessment that term completed and reported their outcomes. Overall, 76% of eligible students completed learning outcome assessment (compared to our goal of 56%), with 82% of those students achieving the level of "met expectations" (compared to our goal of 70%).
2. Assessments were completed for the Wolfpack Welcome events (345 students), and for the First Generation College Student (6 students) event.
3. Expecting documentation on changes made by the end of this cycle might have been a bit aggressive. Changes from this cycle are expected during the upcoming year.
Now that data is being collected, the upcoming year will need a greater focus on how assessment data is used for continuous improvement. The co-curricular data affirms the value of the programs and indicated the need to continue offering them.