| Provide opportunities for faculty to explore new and innovative ideas |
1: Student Success
3-Teaching & Learning: Quality Resources & Support
Work with the Faculty to find a central location where they can share activities and ideas that have been successful in their classrooms.
1. Have the Division Chairs explore the feasibility of creating a Teach/Learning Center. 2. Encourage Faculty to explore the uses of Virtual Reality to enhance the learning environment.
1. Plan to develop a Teaching Learning Center and implement by Fall 2022.
2. 20% of faculty will schedule and/or investigate the possibilities of using the Virtual Reality room.
1. Short survey to indicate interest in a Teaching Learning Center. Survey results were non conclusive.
2. FY 22 is a transition year. Just a few faculty were able to attend the demo/training for VR. Over all only 10% of faculty attended a session.
Faculty were not interested in starting and maintaining a Teaching Learning Center, but were interested in other professional Development opportunities. i.e. brown bag lunch, group discussions on current topics in education
Virtual Reality training will start up again this summer and into FY 23. More faculty have expressed an interest than in Fall 21. Interest to start a student VR club will hopefully build interest in the students as well.
Partially Completed
| Support Division Chairs in the strategic scheduling process in collaboration with student services. |
1: Student Success
3-Teaching & Learning: Quality Resources & Support
1. Assist Division Chairs in creating a semester schedule that will assist students in enrolling in a full slate of classes as they work on their Associates in Arts degree. 2. Work with Division Chairs to create a schedule that incorporates Pathways beginning Fall 2022 to
1. Use Dean and Chairs meeting to assist Division Chairs in developing the schedule showing possible student blocks for first semester and second semester students. 2. Have Division Chairs create an evening virtual schedule to allow students to enroll in a full-time virtual schedule. 3. Work with Division Chairs and Student Development to create and implement a Fall 2022 schedule and beyond with an emphasis in Pathways.
1. Hold scheduling meetings twice a month.
2. 10% Increase in the number of students enrolled full-time in Spring 2022.
3. Create block schedules with Pathways in mind for Fall 2022
1. Meetings with Division Chairs and Student Services occurred twice each semester
2. Data indicates that there was no increase in the number of students who enrolled full-time.
3. Block schedules were created for day, afternoon, and evening times. Advising was please with the blocks and felt that it was easier for students to get their schedules.
1. Meetings will continue between Dean, Division Chairs, and Student Services to continue to refine enrollment process.
2. With the increase in enrollment, we are still working towards more students enrolling at full-time at BR.
3. Starting Fall 22, Dean and Division Chairs have created a MW and TR schedule with three classes offered on Friday only. We are encouraged that this will help the enrollment as well as the percent of students enrolling full-time.
| Foster a culture of faculty and student engagement. |
4: Culture and Environment
3-Teaching & Learning: Quality Resources & Support
1. Collaborate with Student Engagement to identify ways to get faculty interested in Co-curricular activities.
1. Determine faculty interest in Co-curricular Activities. 2. Meet with interested faculty to Identify specific activities that are outside of but complement their course.
1. Create and administer a survey to identify faculty interest in Co-Curricular Activities Fall 2021.
2. Partner with Student Engagement to offer 2 Co-curricular activities this fiscal year.
1. The survey to determine interest was not completed. Faculty were approached to determine interest and if interested were told to notify Student Engagement.
2. Two Co-curricular activities were identified this FY - Social Science, and Science Fridays
Student Engagement along with the Dean's office will continue to encourage faculty to implement Co-curricular activities around their classes.
Partially Completed
| Advance MCC's Culture of Assessment |
1: Student Success
4-Teaching & Learning: Evaluation & Improvement
1. Support Division Chairs in implementing Fall 2021 and Spring 2022 Assessments 2. Work with Discipline Coordinators to understand the importance of assessment 3. Provide resources to help in the reporting process.
1. Assessment with be a standing item during the Dean and Chairs meeting each week. 2. Invite Discipline Coordinators to the Dean and Chairs meeting to discuss strategies to help Adjuncts.
3. Provide resources to help with implementing and reporting results. .
1. Dean and Chairs agendas will have Assessment as a standing item. 2. 100% Coordinators attend one Dean and Chairs meeting. 3. Determine a point person for each discipline as a resource for reporting.
1. Dean and Chairs met weekly to discuss assessment.
2. Coordinators met on a regular basis with the Chairs.
3. Each Discipline was notified of the point person for their discipline.
We will continue to discuss assessment and to encourage ALL faculty full-time and part-time to participate. FY 22 Blue River had 99% participation of full-time and 80% of part-time faculty.