Not Defined
Connect females to the skilled trades professions
District Office of the Dean of CTE (2023-2024)

Operational Goal

Connect females to the skilled trades professions

Operational Tactic

Engage women's organizations that are focused on the skilled trades industries to entice them to help recruit into our programs.

Performance Measure

Research local and national women's skilled trades organizations.

Meet with representative and give ATSI and/or Auto Tech tours to at least three organizations throughout FY24.

Collaborate with these three organizations on how to recruit females into our programs.

Develop a recruitment plan based on the advice provided.


Increased exposure to programs and increased female enrollment in MCC skilled trades programs.

Organizational Goal(s) Alignment

  • B2 Demonstrate student-focused decision-making
  • B3 Implement an equity-centered framework

WED Area Plan Goal(s) Alignment

  • Partnerships Goal 3. Increase WEDs outreach in the community.

HLC Alignment

  • 2-Integrity: Ethical & Responsible Conduct
  • 3-Teaching & Learning: Quality Resources & Support

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Continuous Improvement

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