Not Defined
Improve Articulation Agreements
District Office of Academic Affairs (2023-2024)

The annual MCC Institutional Effectiveness Plan (IEP) Cycle runs from June through May. In June, Planning Unit Managers (PUMs) identify unique operational goals they plan to impact over the course of the IEP Cycle. For each operational goal, PUMs identify at least one operational tactic, and each operational tactic has a corresponding performance measure and target. PUMs also identify how each operational goal supports its corresponding shared service/campus plan, the College's overarching strategic plan, and the Higher Learning Commission's (HLC) criteria for accreditation.

In May, PUMs close the IEP Cycle by recording every operational goal's performance measure result, completion status, and plans for continual improvement. Additionally, PUMs are able to request fiscal resources related to their IEP for the immediately upcoming fiscal year starting in July.

To open the annual IEP cycle, PUMs fill out the blue boxes in June.

Operational Goal

Improve Articulation Agreements

Operational Tactic

Ensure improvements are made to internal processes for on boarding students from high schools/career centers with standing articulated credit agreements and for reviewing existing and adding new agreements. 

Performance Measure

New electronic student intake form developed

Internal map for processing and tracking students developed. 

New standardized template for standing articulated credit agreements developed. 

Schedule for reviewing sites/agreements developed.


Intake form developed and implemented by end of August.

Student map developed and implemented by end of August.

Template and schedule developed by end of October. 

Two high schools/career centers reviewed and moved to new template.

Organizational Goal(s) Alignment

  • A2 Establish a mindset for early career identification
  • C2 Remove barriers to access

Inst. 3-yr Shared Service/Campus Goal(s) Alignment

  • Ensure access and equitable opportunities for students
  • Respond to workforce- district- and community needs

HLC Alignment

  • 1-Mission
  • 4-Teaching & Learning: Evaluation & Improvement

Will you need data from Institutional Research?

To close the annual IEP Cycle, PUMs fill out the yellow boxes in May.

Performance Measure Results

Results Met

Continuous Improvement

Future Budget Impact?

If "yes", please describe*

*Total budget impact based on continuous improvement learnings for future initiatives to support performance improvement. Provide a dollar amount and explanation of your course of action.
