Not Defined
Strengthen infrastructure of diversity, equity and inclusion across college operations
District Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (2023-2024)

The annual MCC Institutional Effectiveness Plan (IEP) Cycle runs from June through May. In June, Planning Unit Managers (PUMs) identify unique operational goals they plan to impact over the course of the IEP Cycle. For each operational goal, PUMs identify at least one operational tactic, and each operational tactic has a corresponding performance measure and target. PUMs also identify how each operational goal supports its corresponding shared service/campus plan, the College's overarching strategic plan, and the Higher Learning Commission's (HLC) criteria for accreditation.

In May, PUMs close the IEP Cycle by recording every operational goal's performance measure result, completion status, and plans for continual improvement. Additionally, PUMs are able to request fiscal resources related to their IEP for the immediately upcoming fiscal year starting in July.

To open the annual IEP cycle, PUMs fill out the blue boxes in June.

Operational Goal

Strengthen infrastructure of diversity, equity and inclusion across college operations

Operational Tactic

  • Continue to refine and cultivate the District and Campus DEI council infrastructure (charters, membership, leadership, goals) in accordance with new Shared Governance guidance
  • Develop infrastructure in collaboration with Affinity Groups and provide ongoing support to each; Support any new groups wanting to form
  • Provide ongoing technical assistance (DEI Consultation) and professional development to requesting departments or teams
  • Through MCC’s partnership with Complete College America, support and facilitate necessary technical assistance
  • Develop tools and resources with faculty for inclusive classrooms and curriculum
  • Publish 2022-23 Equity Report to document accomplishments in Winter 2023-24
  • Culminate year’s work with DEI Summer Institute of all key stakeholder groups in June 2024
  • Develop and deliver a DEI series for multiple audiences (4 sessions in Fall and 4 in Spring) in collaboration with District DEI Council and DEI Coordinator
  • Develop and deliver a ‘Safe Zone’ training for faculty/staff across all campuses (1 at each campus, 2 Fall and 2 Spring, 2 Online
  • Partner with key community organizations to help strengthen student outreach (ie: Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Global FC soccer club, etc.)
  • Partner with Campus Life and Leadership and Admissions on various events throughout the year to support recruitment and retention
    • Hispanic Development Fund student welcome and Cambio para Cambio campaign – Fall 2023
    • Mi Familia Open House – Fall 2023
    • CL&L Programming Support: Welcome Back events, Heritage Month Speakers and Other Events
    • Deliver Safe Zone training for student clubs and orgs
    • Veteran’s Day Recognition – Nov 2023
    • Community Outreach efforts and collaborations: Mi Famila, Fiesta Hispana, Juneteenth, BHM events, KC Bizfest; Supplier Diversity Expo

Performance Measure

# of Training sessions delivered

# of events delivered

Publication of Equity Report


Tracking of ongoing monthly events

Publish Equity Report by June 30, 2024

Deliver Safe Zone Training Series (4 campus offerings and two online engagements) by May 15, 2024

Organizational Goal(s) Alignment

  • B3 Implement an equity-centered framework
  • C1 Expand support for underrepresented populations
  • C2 Remove barriers to access

DEI 3-yr Shared Service/Campus Goal(s) Alignment

  • Work collaboratively across the district to advance the principles of equity and inclusion that focus on the concerns of our diverse communities.
  • Implement equity structures such as embedded student support and faculty development in courses where students with the greatest needs are enrolled.

HLC Alignment

  • 3-Teaching & Learning: Quality Resources & Support
  • 5-Resources Planning & Institutional Effectiveness

Will you need data from Institutional Research?


To close the annual IEP Cycle, PUMs fill out the yellow boxes in May.

Performance Measure Results

Results Met

Continuous Improvement

Future Budget Impact?

If "yes", please describe*

*Total budget impact based on continuous improvement learnings for future initiatives to support performance improvement. Provide a dollar amount and explanation of your course of action.
