Not Defined
Average Age of Storm Drains (Years)


Bar chart with 8 bars.
Average Age of Storm Drains (Years) (Chart Type: Column) Plot Bands Actual 2017: 33.12 2018: 34.12 2019: 35.12 2020: 36.12 2021: 37.12 2022: 38.00 2023: 39.00 2024: No Value
The chart has 1 X axis displaying Year.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Age. Range: 0 to 40.
End of interactive chart.
Not Defined
Pavement Quality Index (0-100 Range with 70-80 Being Average)


Combination chart with 2 data series.
Pavement Quality Index (0-100 Range with 70-80 Being Average) (Chart Type: Column with Target Line) Plot Bands 2017 Actual: 72.67 Target: No Value 2018 Actual: 72.67 Target: No Value 2019 Actual: 72.67 Target: No Value 2020 Actual: 60.15 Target: No Value 2021 Actual: 53.95 Target: No Value 2022 Actual: 52.50 Target: No Value 2023 Actual: 51.44 Target: No Value 2024 Actual: No Value Target: No Value
The chart has 1 X axis displaying Year.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Quality Index. Range: 0 to 100.
End of interactive chart.
Not Defined
Sidewalk Quality Index (0-100 Range with 70-80 Being Average)


Combination chart with 2 data series.
Sidewalk Quality Index (0-100 Range with 70-80 Being Average) (Chart Type: Column with Target Line) Plot Bands 2018 Actual: 91.19 Target: No Value 2019 Actual: 91.19 Target: No Value 2020 Actual: 90.95 Target: No Value 2021 Actual: 86.98 Target: No Value 2022 Actual: 84.00 Target: No Value 2023 Actual: 84.11 Target: No Value 2024 Actual: No Value Target: No Value
The chart has 1 X axis displaying Year.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Quality Index. Range: 0 to 100.
End of interactive chart.
Not Defined
Cost for Paved Roads per Lane Km (Hard Top)


Bar chart with 8 bars.
Cost for Paved Roads per Lane Km (Hard Top) (Chart Type: Column with Target Line) Plot Bands Actual 2017: $6,956 2018: $7,004 2019: $8,239 2020: $7,308 2021: $7,525 2022: $6,194 2023: $7,098 2024: No Value
The chart has 1 X axis displaying Year.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Cost ($). Range: 0 to 10000.
End of interactive chart.
Not Defined
Cost for Roads - All Functions per Lane Km Maintained


Bar chart with 8 bars.
Cost for Roads - All Functions per Lane Km Maintained (Chart Type: Column with Target Line) Plot Bands Actual 2017: $5,288 2018: $5,625 2019: $6,481 2020: $5,264 2021: $5,778 2022: $4,628 2023: $5,430 2024: No Value
The chart has 1 X axis displaying Year.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Cost ($). Range: 0 to 7500.
End of interactive chart.
Not Defined
Cost for Winter Maintenance of Roads per Lane Km Maintained


Bar chart with 8 bars.
Cost for Winter Maintenance of Roads per Lane Km Maintained (Chart Type: Column with Target Line) Plot Bands Actual 2017: $1,909 2018: $1,734 2019: $2,260 2020: $1,688 2021: $1,912 2022: $3,264 2023: $1,710 2024: No Value
The chart has 1 X axis displaying Year.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Cost ($). Range: 0 to 4000.
End of interactive chart.
Not Defined
Percent of Bridges, Culverts and Viaducts Where the Condition is Rated as Good to Very Good


Bar chart with 7 bars.
Percent of Bridges, Culverts and Viaducts Where the Condition is Rated as Good to Very Good (Chart Type: Column with Target Line) Plot Bands Actual 2018: 71.00% 2019: 71.00% 2020: 71.00% 2021: 71.00% 2022: 71.00% 2023: 71.00% 2024: No Value
The chart has 1 X axis displaying Year.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Percentage (%). Range: 0 to 75.
End of interactive chart.