Not Defined
Library Memberships per 1,000 Population


Bar chart with 8 bars.
Library Memberships per 1,000 Population (Chart Type: Column) Plot Bands Actual 2017: 48 2018: 51 2019: 49 2020: 20 2021: 22 2022: 61 2023: 49 2024: No Value
The chart has 1 X axis displaying Year.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Memberships. Range: 0 to 75.
End of interactive chart.
Not Defined
Average Number of Times in Year Circulating Items are Borrowed (Turnover Rate)


Bar chart with 8 bars.
Average Number of Times in Year Circulating Items are Borrowed (Turnover Rate) (Chart Type: Column with Target Line) Plot Bands Actual 2017: 1.78 2018: 1.67 2019: 1.62 2020: 0.89 2021: 1.11 2022: 1.49 2023: 1.48 2024: No Value
The chart has 1 X axis displaying Year.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Turnover. Range: 0 to 2.
End of interactive chart.
Not Defined
Cost for Libraries per Use


Bar chart with 8 bars.
Cost for Libraries per Use (Chart Type: Column with Target Line) Plot Bands Actual 2017: $ 4.47 2018: $ 4.63 2019: $ 4.27 2020: $ 8.28 2021: $ 8.57 2022: $ 1.49 2023: No Value 2024: No Value
The chart has 1 X axis displaying Year.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Cost ($). Range: 0 to 10.
End of interactive chart.
Not Defined
Electronic and Non-Electronic Library Uses per 1,000 Population


Bar chart with 8 bars.
Electronic and Non-Electronic Library Uses per 1,000 Population (Chart Type: Column) Plot Bands Actual 2017: 9,152 2018: 9,554 2019: 10,420 2020: 5,120 2021: 5,644 2022: 7,981 2023: 9,117 2024: No Value
The chart has 1 X axis displaying Year.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Uses. Range: 0 to 15000.
End of interactive chart.