Community Services
Community Services
Not Defined
Recreation Participation - Number of Visits, Pool and Fitness Centre


Bar chart with 8 bars.
Recreation Participation - Number of Visits, Pool and Fitness Centre (Chart Type: Column) Plot Bands Actual 2017: 88,361 2018: 84,270 2019: 81,635 2020: 29,477 2021: 19,446 2022: 55,350 2023: 69,768 2024: No Value
The chart has 1 X axis displaying Year.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Visits. Range: 0 to 100000.
End of interactive chart.
Not Defined
Recreation Participation - Number of Hours, Arena/Baseball/Soccer Utilization


Bar chart with 8 bars.
Recreation Participation - Number of Hours, Arena/Baseball/Soccer Utilization (Chart Type: Column) Plot Bands Actual 2017: 4,107 2018: 4,146 2019: 4,169 2020: 2,541 2021: No Value 2022: 2,674 2023: 3,575 2024: No Value
The chart has 1 X axis displaying Year.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Hours. Range: 0 to 6000.
End of interactive chart.
Not Defined
MyLift - Passenger Trips per 1,000 Population in Service Area


Bar chart with 8 bars.
MyLift - Passenger Trips per 1,000 Population in Service Area (Chart Type: Column) Plot Bands Actual 2017: 495.03 2018: 639.57 2019: 758.42 2020: 583.68 2021: 414.48 2022: 458.58 2023: 407.60 2024: No Value
The chart has 1 X axis displaying Year.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Trips. Range: 0 to 1000.
End of interactive chart.
Not Defined
Museum Visitors


Bar chart with 8 bars.
Museum Visitors (Chart Type: Column) Plot Bands Actual 2017: 1,224 2018: 1,941 2019: 1,861 2020: 496 2021: 406 2022: 1,074 2023: 1,598 2024: No Value
The chart has 1 X axis displaying Year.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Visitors. Range: 0 to 2000.
End of interactive chart.
Not Defined
Museum Memberships


Bar chart with 8 bars.
Museum Memberships (Chart Type: Column) Plot Bands Actual 2017: 87 2018: 77 2019: 64 2020: 46 2021: 37 2022: 34 2023: 36 2024: No Value
The chart has 1 X axis displaying Year.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Memberships. Range: 0 to 100.
End of interactive chart.
Not Defined
Cost for Recreation Programs and Facilities per 1,000 Population


Bar chart with 7 bars.
Cost for Recreation Programs and Facilities per 1,000 Population (Chart Type: Column with Target Line) Plot Bands Actual 2018: $112,433 2019: $119,846 2020: No Value 2021: No Value 2022: No Value 2023: No Value 2024: No Value
The chart has 1 X axis displaying Year.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Cost ($). Range: 0 to 150000.
End of interactive chart.
Not Defined
MyLift - Total Cost per Revenue Vehicle Hour


Bar chart with 6 bars.
MyLift - Total Cost per Revenue Vehicle Hours (Chart Type: Column with Target Line) Plot Bands Actual 2019: $ 34.21 2020: No Value 2021: No Value 2022: No Value 2023: No Value 2024: No Value
The chart has 1 X axis displaying Year.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Cost ($). Range: 0 to 40.
End of interactive chart.