On Target
Ample Wastewater Supply
Public Utilities

Metric Definition

The percent of wastewater demand compared to water reclamation facility capacity. One-year average wastewater treatment / Current wastewater treatment capacity.

Target Definition

The target is performance better than or equal to the average North Carolina Benchmarking Survey Respondents, ≤55%: "Close to Target" is ≤70%; anything else is "Needs Improvement."

Organizational Effect

Calendar Year (CY) 2022 was a low rainfall (dry) year in comparison to previous years. Hence, the rain water inflow and intrusion (I&I) was significantly less and the Wastewater Treatment Plant (WPT) capacity significantly increased. American Rescue Plan (ARP) funding and Utility rate increases will help the City address I&I issues and retain capacity for economic growth. An expansion of the WTP capacity from 14.2 to 17.6 million gallons per day (MGD) is possible at an estimated cost of $100M+/-.

Target Data

The Public Utilities Department defines the target; Water Reclamation Facility staff record daily wastewater treatment flows into Daily Monitoring Reports. At the end of each calendar year, staff evaluates this data to determine treatment capacity in relation to the 80/90 Rule for plant design and/or expansion.


The City of Goldsboro strives to ensure there is adequate wastewater capacity for future development, their residents, and visitors. The target is set to be better than the average North Carolina Benchmarking Survey Respondents.

Strategic Chart

Wastewater Treatment Capacity

Combination chart with 2 data series.
Strategic Chart (Chart Type: Column with Target Line) Plot Bands 2016 Treated Wastewater: 69.00% Target: 55.00% 2017 Treated Wastewater: 60.00% Target: 55.00% 2018 Treated Wastewater: 75.00% Target: 55.00% 2019 Treated Wastewater: 63.00% Target: 55.00% 2020 Treated Wastewater: 79.00% Target: 55.00% 2021 Treated Wastewater: 80.00% Target: 55.00% 2022 Treated Wastewater: 54.00% Target: 55.00% 2023 Treated Wastewater: 55.00% Target: 55.00% 2024 Treated Wastewater: No Value Target: No Value 2025 Treated Wastewater: No Value Target: No Value
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values. Range: 0 to 80.
End of interactive chart.