Metric Definition

The bond or credit rating given by credit rating agencies (S&P/Moody's) to corporations and governments based on their ability to pay debt. AAA is considered Extremely Strong/Highest; AA is considered Very Strong/High; A is considered Strong; BBB is considered Adequate. All of these ratings are considered investment grade; anything less is considered non-investment grade or speculative.

The Utility Fund (UF) Unrestricted Cash as a percent of the UF Operations and Maintenance (O&M) expenditures.

The General Fund (GF) Unassigned Fund Balance as a percent of the GF Operating Budget.

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Fleet ReliabilityPublic Works

The percentage of the City’s vehicle and equipment fleet (rolling stock) available per day. Data for 2021 was not available due to a software malfunction.

The percent of Goldsboro Metropolitan Planning Organization (GMPO) submitted projects accepted into the State Transportation Improvement Plan (STIP).

The percent of our full-time workforce that is racially diverse. Racial diversity includes non-white (African-American, Native American, Hawaiian, Asian, Hispanic, and two or more races).

The percent of the time the City of Goldsboro Inspection Department responds to an inspection requested by the Development Community within 24 hours.