Cuyahoga County Wellness Program

- Make Cuyahoga County an Employer of Choice
Strategic Priorities
  • 15.1 Become an Employer of Choice
    - Make Cuyahoga County an Employer of Choice
About this measure

Measures displayed on this page show enrollment and engagement in the County’s employee wellness program, including the number of employees registered for the Cuyahoga County Wellness Program, the number of health assessments completed, and the number of Cuyahoga County Wellness Program Organizational Challenge participants by program year. The County’s wellness program runs annually from September 1st to August 31st.  Data reported is from August 31 of the program year.  

Why is this important?

Cuyahoga County provides healthcare to over 13,000 employees and dependents. In 2016 the County spent over $101 million dollars on healthcare costs for employees and their dependents. Research tells us that 75% of healthcare spending is attributable to behavior-related and preventable illnesses, and that 48% of organizations found wellness programs keep healthcare costs down. Focusing on prevention (behavior-related and preventable illnesses) can lower healthcare cost increases for the County and our employees. Wellness programs can also develop healthier, happier, and more productive employees.

How are we making an impact?

Our mission is to promote and sustain the well-being of Cuyahoga County employees and their families by providing quality and integrative health and wellness programs. The wellness program was reintroduced in April 2017. Through the wellness portal, employees can participate in challenges, log and track wellness activities, and receive points toward an incentive. The Wellness Program includes required activities such as preventative exams, biometric screenings and the Member Health Assessment (MHA). These activities help employees take a deeper look into their well-being. By focusing on health, well-being and preventive care we can impact morale, healthcare costs and overall quality of life. 

Year 1 and Year 2 of the program was about getting the word out and participation. In the coming years, the focus will be on a more outcome-based strategy, looking at numbers from health scores and screenings and tying it to a healthcare premium reduction as permitted by law, or a tiered incentive structure. Currently, everyone receives the same incentive for reaching the points goal.

The County will continue to incorporate more cultural changes such as wellness centers across various agencies, healthy vending options, and smoke free worksites.

Reporting Agency

Cuyahoga County Department of Human Resources 

Additional Resources
Wellness Program Participants - Historical Performance
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Cuyahoga County Employee Wellness Program Participants (By Program Year)

Long description.

Bar chart shows the number of wellness program partcipants in Cuyahoga County by program year. Line graph shows the percent of employees registered for the wellness program in Cuyahoga County by program year. See Data Table for details


Chart type: Combination chart.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 2 Y axes displaying values and values.

Chart graphic.

Cuyahoga County Employee Wellness Program Participants (By Program Year)Created with Highcharts 5.0.12Cuyahoga County Employee Wellness Program Participants (By Program Year)34.00%34.00%31.00%31.00%2,3462,3462,2672,267Percent of employees registeredWellness program participantsChart context menu20172018
Health Assessments Completed & Organizational Challenge Participants - Historical Performance
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Cuyahoga County Wellness Program Health Assessments Completed & Organizational Challenge Participants (By Program Year)

Long description.

Bar chart shows the health assessments completed and the organizational challenge participants in Cuyahoga County by program year. See Data Table for details


Chart type: column chart.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values.

Chart graphic.

Cuyahoga County Wellness Program Health Assessments Completed & Organizational Challenge Participants (By Program Year)Created with Highcharts 5.0.12Cuyahoga County Wellness Program Health Assessments Completed &Organizational Challenge Participants (By Program Year)Cuyahoga County Wellness Program Health Assessments Completed & Organizational Challenge Participants (By Program Year)1,5381,5381,5171,5171,7491,7492,0132,013Organizational challenge participantsHealth assessments completedChart context menu20172018
Measure Data
Period Status Wellness program participants Wellness program participants Target Percent of employees registered Percent of employees registered Target Organizational challenge participants Organizational challenge participants Target Health assessments completed Completed health assessments Target
2016 Not Defined
2017 Not Defined 2,346 34.00% 1,538 1,749
2018 In Progress 2,267 31.00% 1,517 2,013
2019 Not Defined