County Hiring

- Maintain financial strength and operational efficiency
Strategic Priorities
  • 13.5 Implement an ERP system and improve critical county processes
    - Maintain financial strength and operational efficiency
  • 15.1 Become an Employer of Choice
    - Make Cuyahoga County an Employer of Choice
About this measure

Measures on this page include the average number of days it takes to fill classified and unclassified positions (hiring cycle time), the number of applicants per position filled, and the County’s employee turnover rate. Applicants per position is the overall average number of applicants for all classified positions that were externally filled within each quarter. Data reported is provided by the Cuyahoga County Department of Human Resources.

Why is this important?

Vacancies in the County’s workforce impair its ability to complete work and puts strain on employees who must cover a vacant position’s duties. Human Resources (HR) and the Personnel Review Commission (PRC) work together to help hiring managers attract and hire highly skilled employees in a timely manner to minimize the impact of a vacant position on the County and its workforce. A high average hiring cycle time can negatively affect the County’s ability to compete against other employers for highly qualified employees, who may obtain other employment while waiting for the County to make a hiring decision.

How are we making an impact?

HR works with hiring managers and the PRC to prioritize vacancies, giving critical vacant positions higher priority to fill those positions more rapidly. HR assists hiring managers throughout the process to provide expertise and efficient process management. These efforts have resulted in improvements and reduction in our average hiring cycle time. HR will continue to work to improve the process through identifying standard processes, process deviations, and deviation causes; tracking timeframes for each step in the hiring process; targeting high wait time steps for improvement; sharing data with stakeholders; and leading discussion on improvement efforts.

Reporting Agency

Cuyahoga County Department of Human Resources 

Average Hiring Cycle Time - Current Performance
Use regions/landmarks to skip ahead to chart and navigate between data series.

Cuyahoga County Average Hiring Cycle Time (By Quarter)

Long description.

Bar chart shows the average days to hire by position type in Cuyahoga County by quarter. See Data Table for details


Chart type: column chart.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Hiring Cycle (Days).

Chart graphic.

Cuyahoga County Average Hiring Cycle Time (By Quarter)Created with Highcharts 5.0.12Cuyahoga County Average Hiring Cycle Time (By Quarter)56.0056.0072.0072.0053.0053.0068.0068.0087.0087.0090.0090.0079.0079.0085.0085.00Hiring cycle time (Unclassified)Hiring cycle time (Classified)Chart context menuQ2-18Q3-18Q4-18Q1-19
Applicants per Position - Current Performance
Use regions/landmarks to skip ahead to chart.

Cuyahoga County Applicants per Position (By Quarter)

Long description.

Bar chart shows the average applicants per position in Cuyahoga County by quarter. See Data Table for details


Chart type: column chart.
column series with 4 columns.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Applicants per Position.

Chart graphic.

Cuyahoga County Applicants per Position (By Quarter)Created with Highcharts 5.0.12Cuyahoga County Applicants per Position (By Quarter)118118112112114114147147Chart context menuQ2-18Q3-18Q4-18Q1-19
Employee Turnover - Current Performance
Use regions/landmarks to skip ahead to chart.

Cuyahoga County Employee Turnover (By Quarter)

Long description.

Bar chart shows the turnover rate in Cuyahoga County by quarter. See Data Table for details


Chart type: column chart.
column series with 4 columns.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Turnover Rate.

Chart graphic.

Cuyahoga County Employee Turnover (By Quarter)Created with Highcharts 5.0.12Cuyahoga County Employee Turnover (By Quarter)2.00%2.00%2.70%2.70%1.99%1.99%2.13%2.13%Chart context menuQ2-18Q3-18Q4-18Q1-19
Measure Data
Series Q1-19
Hiring cycle time (Unclassified) 68.00
Hiring cycle time (Unclassified) YTD Avg 68.00
Hiring cycle time (Unclassified) Target 45.00
Hiring cycle time (Classified) 85.00
Hiring cycle time (Classified) YTD Avg 85.00
Hiring cycle time (Classified) Target 80.00
Applicants per positions filled 147
Applicants per positions filled YTD Avg 147
Applicants per positions filled Target
Turnover Rate 2.13%
Turnover Rate YTD Avg 2.13%
Turnover Rate Target