Enterprise Resource Planning Updates- Maintain financial strength and operational efficiency |
Strategic Priorities |
About this measure |
This measure provides a biannual update on progress related to the planning, development, and implementation of the County’s enterprise resource planning (ERP) software. Updates are provided by the Cuyahoga County Department of Information Technology.
Why is this important? |
The implementation of Cuyahoga County’s ERP software will help the County manage and connect information from core areas of the organization, promoting effective and efficient decision making and improving government operations.
How are we making an impact? |
Regular projects updates help keep ERP implementation efforts on track toward major milestones and demonstrate progress toward the achievement of Cuyahoga County Strategic Plan Priority 13.5, “Implement an ERP system and improve critical County processes.” With the help of the ERP team, we will report progress related to the plan, design, build, test, activate, and production support phases of software implementation.
Reporting Agency |
Cuyahoga County Department of Information Technology
Milestone Measure |
Implementation of the Public Works EAM module within the county’s new ERP system was successfully rolled out in 2018. Over 20,000 work orders have been processed in the EAM module with no productively loss reported. The new Benefits module was launched in September 2018, with 99.6% of employees completing 2019 open enrollment in the new system. Finally the new Job Application Portal was completed and launched in December 2018. Since launch, the County has posted 180 jobs and received over 1,600 applications via the new portal. In 2019, the ERP implementation team will be focused on the development, testing, and launch of modules such as HR Service Delivery, Learning Management and General Ledger. Testing and development will continue for Timekeeping and Payroll modules through Q1 2019.