Outcome-Based Contracting Updates

- Make a difference in everything we do
Strategic Priorities
  • 12.1 Implement outcome-based contracting
    - Make a difference in everything we do
About this measure

This measure provides updates on major milestones and anticipated next steps associated with efforts related to the development and implementation of outcome-based contracting at Cuyahoga County. Updates are provided by the Cuyahoga County Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).

Why is this important?

Cuyahoga County is committed to addressing community needs through programs and services that achieve positive community outcomes. Due to the County’s limited resources, investment should be made in programs that are effective, scalable, and accessible to all in need. With many programs administered through contracts with community agencies, the County is moving toward outcome-based contracting by including performance measures in County contracts.

How are we making an impact?

The County is piloting the use of outcome-based contracting in contracts administered by the Department of Health and Human Services. Based on the results of this pilot the County will determine how to rollout this model to the rest of the organization.

Reporting Agency

Cuyahoga County Department of Health and Human Services 

Milestone Measure

Outcomes-based contracts were created for two vendors that provide workforce services for work-required recipients of food and cash benefits, with services going live July 1, 2019. Two quarters of baseline data have been collected for 11 vendors providing community-based services, which aid children in the foster-care system.