Outcome-based contracting updates- Make a difference in everything we do |
Strategic Priorities |
About this measure |
This measure provides updates on major milestones and anticipated next steps associated with efforts related to the development and implementation of outcome-based contracting at Cuyahoga County. Updates are provided by the Cuyahoga County Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).
Why is this important? |
Cuyahoga County is committed to addressing community needs through programs and services that achieve positive community outcomes. Due to the County’s limited resources, investment should be made in programs that are effective, scalable, and accessible to all in need. With many programs administered through contracts with community agencies, the County is moving toward outcome-based contracting by including performance measures in County contracts.
How are we making an impact? |
The County is piloting the use of outcome-based contracting in contracts administered by the Department of Health and Human Services. Based on the results of this pilot the County will determine how to roll-out this model to the rest of the organization.
Reporting Agency |
Cuyahoga County Department of Health and Human Services
Milestone Measure |
DHHS continues to expand the use of outcomes-based contracting in its contracts. The Division of Contracting Administration and Performance (CAP), whose purview was expanded to cover all of HHS, has worked with the divisions that use outcome-metrics on contracts in at least seventeen additional programs. The Community-Based Services program includes metrics for foster children served by the Division of Child and Family Services, such as reduced rates of child maltreatment and increased family reunification. In addition to allowing DHHS to measure the impact of services and manage the new contracts, these new metrics will also serve as baseline data for developing performance-based payments when the programs are next procured. DHHS has also developed improved performance payment metrics for an ongoing procurement of workforce services offered to recipients of federal food and cash assistance. The metrics include a greater focus on retained employment, wage gains, and educational milestones for participating clients. Finally, with the help of a Harvard Kennedy School of Government Performance Lab fellow, the County redesigned the content of the Division of Job and Family Services (DJFS) Enterprise Workforce RFP. This RFP was released and closed in 2018, with new and expanded outcome-based contracting standards planned for inclusion in 2019 Q2 services. Similar work was done to redesign a youth workforce services RFP issued jointly by Ohio Means Jobs | Cleveland- Cuyahoga County and DJFS. New and expanded out-come based contracting standards will also be included in 2019 Q2 youth workforce services. |