Social Media Outreach- Co-create systems-level solutions |
Strategic Priorities |
About this measure |
Measures on this page details the performance of the County’s social medial channels. Measures include Twitter interactions per 1,000 followers (per tweet, per week), and Facebook page reach (per day). Data on social media measures is reported by Cuyahoga County Communications.
Why is this important? |
Social Media is one of the most important ways an organization can connect with its stakeholders. Through social media channels, like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, the County can directly tell the story of the good work being done at the County.
How are we making an impact? |
We are engaging with more individuals, relaying news about our services and reflecting messages that correlate with our strategic plan to help foster better understanding of our services and our mission. Future priorities include: achieving our goals for 2018, exploring technology so that we can use best practices to increase engagement and followers, and exploring new platforms that might be relevant to our stakeholders.
Reporting Agency |
Cuyahoga County Communications
Additional Resources |
Facebook Page Reach - Current Performance |
Twitter Interactions - Current Performance |
New Facebook Fans - Current Performance |
New Twitter Followers - Current Performance |
New Instagram Followers - Current Performance |
Measure Data |
Series | Q1-19 |
Facebook Page Reach (per day) | 3,944 |
Facebook Page Reach (per day) Target | 850 |
Facebook Page Reach (per day) YTD | 3,944 |
Facebook Page Reach (per day) Target YTD | 850 |
Twitter Interactions per 1,000 followers | 0.94 |
Twitter Interactions per 1,000 followers Target | 2.00 |
Twitter Interactions per 1,000 followers YTD | 0.94 |
Twitter Interactions pr 1,000 followers Target YTD | 2.00 |
New Facebook fans | 888 |
New Facebook fans YTD | 888 |
New Facebook fans Target | 750 |
New Instagram fans | 142 |
New Instagram fans YTD | 142 |
New Instagram fans Target | 600 |
New Twitter fans | 565 |
New Twitter fans YTD | 565 |
New Twitter fans Target | 600 |