Cuyahoga County Strategic Plan Legislative Update

- Co-create systems-level solutions
Strategic Priorities
  • 11.5 Speak out on issues, policies and decisions at the state and federal level
    - Co-create systems-level solutions
About this measure

This measure provides updates on major milestones and anticipated next steps associated with the County’s legislative agenda and advocacy efforts. Updates are provided by the Cuyahoga County Department of Regional Collaboration.

Why is this important?

Advocating for the Cuyahoga County community at the state and federal levels is integral to ensuring community interests and needs are heard. By aligning the County's legislative agenda with its strategic plan, the County can advocate for additional dollars to support Regional Growth, Economic Opportunity, and Individual Well-Being in Cuyahoga County.

How are we making an impact?

The Department of Regional Collaboration has weekly updates from a variety of legislators, agencies, and the County Commissioners Association to support advocacy on issues and legislation that impact Cuyahoga County residents. During the first half of 2019 the Department of Regional Collaboration, with assistance from subject matter experts at the County, provided letters of support, written testimony, and outreach on a variety of topics including tax credits, opportunity zones, climate change, indigent defense, and health and human services. The Department has also hosted legislative meetings with state and federal legislators to expand the presence of Cuyahoga County in the Ohio Statehouse. 

Reporting Agency

Cuyahoga County Department of Regional Collaboration

Milestone Measure

In 2019, Cuyahoga County effectively advocated for a number of items in the State of Ohio’s biannual budget, including by not limited to

  • Increases in the County’s reimbursement for indigent defense up to 100% by 2021, an increase of $9.6 million in 2020 and $12.8 million in 2021,
  • An increase in the share of General Revenue Fund tax allocated to the Local Government Fund, resulting in an additional $875,000 per year for the County, and
  • An increase in funds to support foster care and wraparound services for families.

These and other items in the state budget are responsible for generating improved services and aligning to County priorities in order to enhance quality of life for current citizens and attract new residents to the region.