Cuyahoga County Strategic Plan Legislative Update- Co-create systems-level solutions |
Strategic Priorities |
About this measure |
This measure provides updates on major milestones and anticipated next steps associated with the County’s legislative agenda and advocacy efforts. Updates are provided by the Cuyahoga County Department of Regional Collaboration.
Why is this important? |
Advocating for the Cuyahoga County community at the state and federal levels is integral to ensuring community interests and needs are heard. By aligning our legislative agenda with our strategic plan, we can advocate for additional dollars to support Regional Growth, Economic Opportunity, and Individual Well-Being in Cuyahoga County.
How are we making an impact? |
Through our contract with Benesch Law, Cuyahoga County can track legislation through the Ohio Legislature and United States Congress, as well as opinions from the Ohio Supreme Court and United States Supreme Court. Weekly updates are provided to County Law Department staff, who share this information with departments. This information allows the County to strategically deploy staff to provide expert testimony and to engage our local representatives in conversations on the impacts of specific legislation on County programs, services, and the Cuyahoga County community.
Reporting Agency |
Cuyahoga County Department of Regional Collaboration
Additional Resources |
Milestone Measure |
In 2018 the County was able to secure an additional $700,000 for St. Vincent’s Hospital as a part of the State’s Capital Spending Bill. As the legislative session comes to a close in Columbus and the operating cycle begins, staff from the Department of Law will continue to work with Benesch Law to address issues as they arise. Additionally, the County’s contract with Benesch Law is set to expire within the year and an RFP scheduled to go out to bid in early 2019.