Cuyahoga County External Communication Plan- Co-create systems-level solutions |
Strategic Priorities |
About this measure |
This measure provides updates on major milestones and anticipated next steps associated with efforts related to the development and implementation of the Cuyahoga County External Communication Plan. Updates are provided by the Cuyahoga County Department of Communications.
Why is this important? |
Communication is key to building trust and creating an engaged and informed public. Through increased understanding of County programs and services residents can become more invested and likely to participate and provide feedback. This exchange between the County and the public plays an integral role in decision-making, making the County more responsive to community needs.
How are we making an impact? |
Cuyahoga County uses many communication tools to engage and inform the public. The County has a strong presence on social media and can be found on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, NextDoor, and LinkedIn. A wealth of information is also provided on the Cuyahoga County website, including popular links to County services, news, resources, and featured items. Finally, our Communications teams works with local media outlets issuing press releases, pitching stories and providing background for stories to inform editorials, articles, and other in-station news stories. Our blog provides ongoing news coverage of County programs and events. The department worked with IT to launch the new video series: Conversations with the County.
Reporting Agency |
Cuyahoga County Department of Communications
Milestone Measure |
The following External Communication Plan milestones were reached during the second half of 2018: Launched and produced the first Conversations with the County video series with County Executive Armond Budish. A contract to support the development and implementation of a community survey was awarded to Baldwin Wallace University, with survey administration planned for 2019. Design, production and editorial support was also provided to county departments as needed during the second half of 2018. This includes the design and editing of the Department of Development Midyear Report and Cuyahoga Performance 2018 Annual Report.