Regional approaches to public safety and law enforcement project updates

- Drive collaboration among regional partners
Strategic Priorities
  • 10.2 Support regional approaches to public safety and law enforcement
    - Drive collaboration among regional partners
About this measure

This measure provides updates on major milestones and anticipated next steps associated with efforts supporting regional approaches to public safety and law enforcement. Updates are provided by the Cuyahoga County Department of Public Safety and Justice Services.

Why is this important?

Facilitating regional approaches to public safety and law enforcement can achieve efficiencies in operations that increase safety of first responders and improve service delivery for residents. Regional approaches can also result in cost savings for stakeholder agencies.

How are we making an impact?

Cuyahoga County is making important strides in this area. Regional approaches to public safety and law enforcement are in place both within and outside of the County organization.

Regional law enforcement-related operations and initiatives supported by Cuyahoga County include: 

  • Criminal Justice Information Sharing Data Warehouse
  • Automated License Plate Reader System
  • Mobile Surveillance Trailers
  • Cuyahoga Emergency Communications System
  • Public Safety Answering Point consolidation
  • Purchase of equipment and support of training for local and regional law enforcement groups, coordinated by the Cuyahoga Emergency Services Advisory Board
  • Knowledge Center Resource Database
  • Automated Fingerprint Identification System
  • Northeast Ohio Regional Fusion Center
Reporting Agency

Cuyahoga County Department of Public Safety and Justice Services 

Milestone Measure

During the first half of 2019, the following milestones were achieved by Department of Public Safety and Justice Services:

Criminal Justice Information Sharing  

The Data Warehouse went live with 50 police agencies around the County signing off on sharing data. The initial launch of the system included two separate Records Management Systems (RMS), which are utilized by 53 of the 58 municipal police agencies throughout Cuyahoga County. The system is the single source of a records repository making it easier for local law enforcement to access police data.

Fixed license plate readers (FLPR), which include eighty (80) cameras across Cuyahoga County, support this information sharing effort. Since implementation, FLPRs have added over 105 million records to the system.  

Emergency Management

Beginning in 2019, the Cuyahoga County Office of Emergency Management transitioned to a new vendor, CodeRED, to power the ReadyNotify mass notification system. Thus far thirty-two (32) communities are using the system. ReadyNotify has over 45,000 resident and business contacts registered in the system.