Post-Secondary Awards

- Every student stays in school and has the support needed to graduate high school ready for post-secondary completion and career success
About this measure

This measure outlines the number of post-secondary awards made within each county. It is not a measure of the awards received by residents of the County, but rather notes the county where the award was received. Comparative Analysis data is provided by the Ohio Department of Education, while county historical performance data is provided through JobsEQ.

Why is this important?

Completing a post-secondary education increases long term financial stability. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics 2017 report, workers without high-school diplomas earned $24,000 annually; workers with high-school diplomas earned $30,500; workers who completed some college earned $31,900 and workers with a bachelor’s degree earned $49,900. Workers with a master’s degree or higher earned $59,200. 

Additionally, increasing the education of our workforce can have a positive effect on the ability of the County to attract and retain businesses.

Related Key Government Measures

This is a community indicator measure.  It is provided to show an understanding of the overall community health.  The County organization does not directly control the outcome of this measure, however, a number of programs and initiatives the County is undertaking can have an impact.  Related government measures include: 

1) Youth and Young Adult Internships
2) SkillUp Business Advisory Services

The County also continues to look for ways to improve the number of students going on to post-secondary programs with initiatives such as County employees engaging in the Tru2U mentoring program and serving as a partner to bring Say Yes to Education to Cleveland.  

Reporting Agency

Outside Agency

Additional Resources
Post-Secondary Awards - Comparative Analysis
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Post-Secondary Awards (2016 ODOE Data)

Long description.

Bar chart shows post-secondary awards for comparative counties. Cuyahoga: 17,077 Franklin: 26,659 Montgomery: 12,581 Hamilton: 17,907 Lucas: 7,464 Summit: 6,065


Chart type: column chart.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values.

Chart graphic.

Post-Secondary Awards (2016 ODOE Data)Created with Highcharts 5.0.12Post-Secondary Awards (2016 ODOE Data)Cuyahoga 17 077Cuyahoga 17 077Franklin 26 659Franklin 26 659Montgomery 12 581Montgomery 12 581Hamilton 17 907Hamilton 17 907Lucas 7 464Lucas 7 464Summit 6 065Summit 6 065Chart context menu2016
Post Secondary Awards - Historical Performance
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Cuyahoga County Post-Secondary Awards (By Year)

Long description.

Bar chart shows post-secondary awards in Cuyahoga County by year and type of award. See Data Table for details


Chart type: Combination chart.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Post-Secondary Awards.

Chart graphic.

Cuyahoga County Post-Secondary Awards (By Year)Created with Highcharts 5.0.12Cuyahoga County Post-Secondary Awards (By Year)4,4984,4984,5224,5226,2476,2476,5816,5816,3326,3326,8326,83217,07717,07717,93517,935Chart context menu201620172018
Data Source

Cuyahoga County: Jobs EQ

Comparative Analysis: Ohio Department of Education

Measure Data
Period Status Certificates & Two Year Awards Four Year Awards Postgraduate Awards Actual
2016 Not Defined 6,332 6,247 4,498 17,077
2017 Not Defined 6,832 6,581 4,522 17,935
2018 Community Indicator
2019 Not Defined