Cuyahoga County Housing Plan

- Our community is vibrant, dynamic and diverse
Strategic Priorities
  • 3.2 Target infrastructure improvements and other investments to spur community development
    - Our community is vibrant, dynamic and diverse
About this measure

This measure provides updates on major milestones and anticipated next
steps associated with the Cuyahoga County Housing Plan.

Why is this important?

The Cuyahoga County Housing Plan (Plan) was developed in partnership with Countywide stakeholders. The Plan consists of six primary objectives that need to be addressed to improve our housing conditions and values:

  • Access to Capital
  • Tax Collection and Delinquency
  • Housing Insecurity
  • Special Populations
  • Fair Housing
  • Confidence in the Housing Market
How are we making an impact?

While other metrics provide an overarching view of our impact, there are numerous activities that help shape those metrics, some directly and others indirectly. For example, the County Treasurer’s Office made operational changes that are designed to improve tax collection.  In addition, the County funds demolitions across the County, removing blight in communities and adding to the values of the homes that remain around those parcels. Another example is the County’s investment in moving toward a common permitting system which is being piloted by six inner ring suburbs. Future priorities include: 1) passing legislation that will reduce the discrimination in housing by expanding local protected classes and 2) working with community stakeholders and banks to increase available capital that will allow more homes to be maintained and renovated.

Reporting Agency

Cuyahoga County Department of Development

  • housing plan final.pdf
Milestone Measure

Fair Housing: In September 2018, new anti-discrimination legislation was passed that adds sexual orientation and gender identity as protected classes when considering employment and housing. Adding protected classes was identified as a need in the Housing Plan. Confidence in Housing Market: In September 2018, the County awarded a $200,000 grant to the First Suburbs Council to support six of their member cities in a pilot program to adopt a common code enforcement and permitting system.

Access to Capital & Confidence in the Housing Market: In February 2019, Cuyahoga County Council adopted O2019-001, the Cuyahoga County Housing Program.  With this legislation, Council seeks to strategically implement the recommendations of the Countywide Housing Study and the Cuyahoga County Housing Plan in partnership with the Cuyahoga Land Bank to further stabilize and strengthen home values, reduce housing insecurity, eliminate blight, incent renovation and construction of affordable housing, improve access to capital, and help residents maintain their homes in good repair and avoid foreclosure.  The program will begin in January 2020 and end December 2025.  In this legislation no less than $1 million, was set aside to address lending for home repair and low dollar mortgages. In addition, the Cuyahoga County Land Bank will focus on multiple initiatives that will stimulate the housing markets throughout the County.