Cuyahoga County Capital Improvement Plan

- Our community is vibrant, dynamic and diverse
Strategic Priorities
  • 3.1 Invest in catalytic capital projects
    - Our community is vibrant, dynamic and diverse
About this measure

This measure provides project updates related to the Cuyahoga County Capital Improvement Plan. All reported information is provided by the Cuyahoga County Department of Public Works.

Why is this important?

The Capital Improvement Plan identifies, schedules, and funds future capital spending for Cuyahoga County's road, bridge, sanitary, and facility design and construction projects. Capital projects are major investments using County, federal, state, local, and/or grant dollars to complete the work. Capital projects allow the County to improve the pavement of County Roads, rehabilitate and replace County bridges, rehab and install sewers and pump stations, and maintain and upgrade facilities such as buildings, parking lots, and the airport, owned or leased by the County.

How are we making an impact?

The County continues to focus on roadway projects that make a regional impact and bridge projects that improve the safety of its bridge inventory. Sanitary projects are selected by working with communities to identify their greatest needs. Facility projects are programmed in a manner to keep the County's facilities safe, secure, and efficient.

Reporting Agency

Cuyahoga County Department of Public Works

Milestone Measure

The Cuyahoga County Department of Public Works awarded 33 road, bridge, sanitary, and facility projects between August 1, 2018, and August 1, 2019, at a cost of $80.2 million. An itemized spreadsheet of these projects is attached.

  • Active Public Works Projects as of 7-23-19.pdf