Housing Insecurity

- Our community is vibrant, dynamic and diverse
Strategic Priorities
  • 3.2 Target infrastructure improvements and other investments to spur community development
    - Our community is vibrant, dynamic and diverse
About this measure

This measure reports the number of Cuyahoga County households spending more than 50% of their income on housing. Data reported for Cuyahoga County is from an Enterprise Community Partners report on Demographics of Cost Burden in Cleveland and Cuyahoga County from March 2018. 531,023 households were identified in the study. 305,979 were owner occupied, while the remaining 225,044 were rentals. Peer community data reported is provided by the United States Census Bureau’s American Community Survey.

Why is this important?

Nearly 19 million low-income U.S. households pay over half of their income on housing, and more than 600,000 people have no home at all. Not only does housing insecurity make it difficult for these families to move out of poverty, but its side effects ripple through other aspects of their lives and communities. We see these same effects locally. While the County is perceived to be a relatively affordable community, there are 87,874 households paying more than 50% of their income on housing
(2018 Enterprise Community Partners report).

How are we making an impact?

This is a community indicator measure. It is provided to show an understanding of the overall community health. The County organization does not directly control the outcome of this measure, however, a number of programs and initiatives the County is undertaking can have an impact. Cuyahoga County uses its allocation of Federal funds to both increase number of affordable housing units by funding rehabilitations and creation of new units, as well as increase the number or residents employed and their wages. The County has created services that help businesses identify career pathways to grow their employees’ wages and to connect those who use County benefits to find employment or increase their wages if already employed. Growing these services is important as well as the continued financing of affordable housing projects that allow special populations to live and thrive while continuing to fund projects that create new affordable units.

Reporting Agency

Outside Agency

Additional Resources
  • Housing Insecurity - 2016 cleveland cuyahoga cost burdens w_notes.pdf
Housing Insecurity - Comparative Analysis
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Housing Insecurity (2017 ACS Data)

Long description.

Bar chart shows number of households spending greater than 50% of their income on housing in comparative counties. Cuyahoga: 87,874 Allegheny: 68,641 Franklin: 69,542 Montgomery: 30,716 Hillsborough: 80,486 Hamilton: 50,579 Lucas: 25,406 Marion: 58,482 Summit: 28,288


Chart type: column chart.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values.

Chart graphic.

Housing Insecurity (2017 ACS Data)Created with Highcharts 5.0.12Housing Insecurity (2017 ACS Data)Cuyahoga 87 874Cuyahoga 87 874Allegheny 68 641Allegheny 68 641Franklin 69 542Franklin 69 542Montgomery 30 716Montgomery 30 716Hillsborough 80 486Hillsborough 80 486Hamilton 50 579Hamilton 50 579Lucas 25 406Lucas 25 406Marion 58 482Marion 58 482Summit 28 288Summit 28 288Chart context menu2017
Housing Insecurity - Historical Performance
Use regions/landmarks to skip ahead to chart.

Cuyahoga County Housing Insecurity (By Year)

Long description.

Bar chart shows shows number of households spending greater than 50% of their income on housing in Cuyahoga County by calendar year. See Data Table for details


Chart type: column chart.
column series with 1 column.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values.

Chart graphic.

Cuyahoga County Housing Insecurity (By Year)Created with Highcharts 5.0.12Cuyahoga County Housing Insecurity (By Year)87,87487,874Chart context menu2016
Data Source

Cuyahoga County: Enterprise Resource Partners

Comparative Analysis: America Community Survey (B25091 & B25070)

Measure Data
Period Status Households spending 50% or more on housing
2016 Not Defined 87,874
2017 Not Defined
2018 Community Indicator
2019 Not Defined