Cuyahoga County Sustainability Plan

- Our region is economically competitive
Strategic Priorities
  • 1.3 Deploy sustainability practices to support our competitive advantage
    - Our region is economically competitive
About this measure

This measure provides updates on major milestones and anticipated next steps associated with the Cuyahoga County Sustainability Plan.

Why is this important?

The Cuyahoga County Sustainability Plan was adopted by the Cuyahoga County Council in October 2017. It serves as the foundation for the Department of Sustainability’s collaborative efforts in leading environmental initiatives with other agencies and organizations across the County.

How are we making an impact?

A guide for the work of the Department of Sustainability, the Cuyahoga County Sustainability Plan consists of seven key strategies:

  1. Work collaboratively with our partners to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the geographic confines of Cuyahoga County.
  2. Increase resources for clean energy and environmentally sustainable programs, projects, and practices in Cuyahoga County.
  3. Increase access to alternative methods of transportation for residents and visitors to Cuyahoga County to enhance air quality and the environmental health of the community.
  4. Increase community awareness, knowledge, and advocacy regarding environmental issues, policies, and initiatives
  5. Convene and collaborate with partners to advocate for improvements to water quality for Cuyahoga County residents and visitors.
  6. Demonstrate the County’s leadership in environmental stewardship by increasing the utilization of sustainable, green practices throughout the organization.
  7. Enhance land use practices to spur greater clean energy development, reduce local greenhouse gas emissions and, ultimately, positively impact local air quality.

Reporting Agency

Cuyahoga County Department of Sustainability

Milestone Measure

In 2018 the Cuyahoga County Department of Sustainability completed a county-wide greenhouse gas emissions inventory, to explore trends in GHG emissions from 2010 through 2017. Complementing this inventory is the development of the Cuyahoga County Climate Action Plan, which will detail efforts to mitigate emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change already seen in Cuyahoga County. With an initial draft completed, staff are preparing for public engagement and raising funds for plan implementation. Work has also begun to develop a Green Bank, a public purpose finance institution or fund, to support clean energy and green infrastructure projects. Round 2 of the Cuyahoga County Solar Co-op was also initiated in 2017, with 193 individuals signed up for the program. 40 individuals have signed contracts with one of two vendors (Yellowlite or ThirdSun). Finally, preparation of a RFP to expand the bikeshare in our region is in process through BikeCleveland.