Citizen ratings of Baytown as a place to live

1. Community Reputation & Image
Citizen ratings of Baytown as a place to live
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Long description.

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Chart type: column chart.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying % Satisfied or Very Satisfied.

Chart graphic.

ChartCreated with Highcharts 5.0.1260.00%60.00%59.00%59.00%60.00%60.00%71.00%71.00%71.00%71.00%BaytownTexasChart context menu201620172018
Data collected during the annual DirectionFinder citizen survey. Measure shows the percentage of residents who were either satisfied or very satisfied with a specified area of the city. When the data is available, Baytown is also compared to how residents throughout Texas answered the same question.
Breakout of scores
Use regions/landmarks to skip ahead to chart and navigate between data series.


Long description.

No description available.


Chart type: pie chart.

Chart graphic.

ChartCreated with Highcharts 5.0.12Satisfied/Very Satisfied: 60.6%Satisfied/Very Satisfied: 60.6%Neutral: 27.3%Neutral: 27.3%Dissatisfied/Very Dissatisfied: 12.1%Dissatisfied/Very Dissatisfied: 12.1%Satisfied/Very SatisfiedNeutralDissatisfied/Very DissatisfiedChart context menu

The City will continue to invest resources into the community to improve Baytown as a place to live.  This measure shows a low dissatisfaction rate (12%), which means that moving the needle a little in the right direction may push this score up in the future.