On Target
Economic Development
Board of Supervisors 2023


Promote economic development by emphasizing resiliency and entrepreneurship; retaining and attracting high quality jobs; investing in major infrastructure projects; and working with local, state and federal partners to support our small business, nonprofit, and tourism sectors.




Progress Update

Nevada County Economic Development Office was established to provide the highest level of service to our customers, businesses, nonprofits, agencies and organizations and residents. The office is dedicated to cultivating thriving communities and economic vitality, elevating quality of life, and collaborating with our economic development partners to foster growth and build assets in communities across the county. Progress from Q3 (July - September 2023) included:

  • The Nevada County Economic Development Office was officially formed in August 2022. In the first year, the office conducted 140 unique meetings with businesses, individuals, nonprofits, agencies and more. In the first quarter of FY23/24, the office participated in 65 new interactions and warm handoffs with the Sierra Business Council's Small Business Development Center (on contract with the Economic Development Office) conducting an additional 100+ meetings.
  • The Resource Conservation District, (RCD), NC Economic Development Office, Agricultural Commissioner Department and CEO's Office collaborated on a grant for the CA Strategic Growth Council's Sustainable Agriculture Land Conservation (SALC) program to create an Agricultural Working Landscape Conservation Plan. The grant was submitted by RCD in September.
  • Serving on the Visit California Regional Tourism Advisory Committee, an 18-month process to develop a strategic tourism plan for the Gold Country which includes western Nevada County, initial work is being conducted on a Tourism Readiness Index Framework that will provide data to help guide tourism decisions going forward.
  • The first phase to create a two-year action plan roadmap for economic development aligned the local partners and launched in August 2023. Phase I included interviewing key stakeholders including the Board of Supervisors, County leadership, economic partners, chambers, local and regional associations, business leaders, and more.


Next Steps

Nevada County can serve as a catalyst for economic development. The Economic Development Office has many functions, but one of the primary activities is serving as a bridge to connect the work of our county offices with businesses. Economic development can be seen in the work of every county department and can be found in every industry sector. Counties are in a unique position to encourage and support collaboration. They represent larger areas with multiple jurisdictions, and their political leaders have to respond to a wide range of issues and opportunities. The Nevada County Economic Development Office has focused considerable attention on creating partnerships and pathways that identify strategies for implementing solutions that move county projects forward and enhances business, tourism, arts and culture and recreation to advance the economic vitality of our region. Plans for Q4 (October - December 2023) include:

  • Continue to build out the economic development toolkit. Next steps are Phase II of the economic development Webpage, tax increment and financing options, a printable business development toolkit, and collaborative education programs.
  • The Agricultural Commissioner Department will make a presentation to the BOS on the annual Nevada County Crop and Livestock report which will show a 12% decrease in revenue in 2022 to $18.7 million which is believed to be a result of weather conditions with the greatest impact to wine grapes.
  • Storm damage repairs on the Orchard house on Brunswick will be completed in November allowing the return of Behavioral Health clients living spaces.
  • Continued work on the Nevada County Economic Development Action plan will result in a draft plan by the end of 2023.
  • Substantial progress will be made on the North San Juan Fire Suppression project including:
    • Completing the updated engineering study.
    • Finishing the USDA’s funding application.
    • Progressing with plans, specifications and estimates for the project to 60% completion.
    • Completion of the CEQA process, including addressing all public comments and present to the Board.


On Target
Support potential high growth sector development
Board of Supervisors 2023 | 1/1/23 - 12/31/23
On Target
Cultivate economic diversification, sustainability and equity
Board of Supervisors 2023 | 1/1/23 - 12/31/23
On Target
Seek funding and advocate for economic development priorities
Board of Supervisors 2023 | 1/1/23 - 12/31/23
On Target
Support business attraction, retention and growth
Board of Supervisors 2023 | 1/1/23 - 12/31/23


Not Defined
Key general fund revenues
Board of Supervisors 2023
Not Defined
Other key general fund revenues
Board of Supervisors 2023
Not Defined
Nevada County unemployment rate
Board of Supervisors 2023
Not Defined

Unemployment Rate
Nevada County unemployment rate


Bar chart with 34 bars.
Unemployment Rate (Chart Type: Column with Target Line) Plot Bands Actual Dec-20: 6.70 Jan-21: 6.70 Feb-21: 6.30 Mar-21: 6.10 Apr-21: 5.80 May-21: 5.40 Jun-21: 6.00 Jul-21: 5.80 Aug-21: 5.50 Sep-21: 4.60 Oct-21: 4.50 Nov-21: 3.90 Dec-21: 3.70 Jan-22: 4.40 Feb-22: 3.90 Mar-22: 3.40 Apr-22: 2.90 May-22: 2.50 Jun-22: 2.90 Jul-22: 2.70 Aug-22: 3.00 Sep-22: 2.70 Oct-22: 2.90 Nov-22: 3.20 Dec-22: 3.10 Jan-23: 4.00 Feb-23: 4.00 Mar-23: 4.20 Apr-23: 3.70 May-23: 3.70 Jun-23: 4.00 Jul-23: No Value Aug-23: No Value Sep-23: No Value
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values. Range: 0 to 8.
End of interactive chart.
Not Defined

Sales Tax
Other key general fund revenues

Fiscal Year

Bar chart with 5 bars.
Sales Tax (Chart Type: Column) Plot Bands Sales Tax FY 19-20: $ 4,118,507.00 FY 20-21: $ 4,380,609.00 FY 21-22: $ 5,693,657.00 FY 22-23: $ 4,721,315.00 FY 23-24: $ 270,731.00
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values. Range: 0 to 6000000.
End of interactive chart.


Kimberly Parker
Kimberly Parker (Community Development Agency, Office of Economic Development)