Financial Stability and Core Services
Board of Supervisors 2023

Maintain the County's financial stability and core services. 

Progress Update

Highlights from Q3 (July through September 2023) include:

As reported last quarter, there continue to be some cautionary indicators within the County's economically sensitive revenues. Estimates for the end of Fiscal Year (FY) 22-23 as reported last quarter were mostly in line with actual results. Key highlights include the following:

  • Property taxes continued to grow in FY 22-23, and at a higher rate than any of the previous five Fiscal Years (9%)
  • Transfer Taxes ended FY 22-23 less than the previous two Fiscal Years, but higher than FY 19-20 by 14%.
  • Recording fees ended FY 22-23 lower than even pre COVID-19 pandemic years
  • Transfer taxes and recording fees may be an indicator of future declines in property tax revenues. However, other key indicators of overall County economic activity performed well in FY 22-23, such as continued growth in building permit revenues and Transient Occupancy Taxes.
  • Overall, the County continues to be in a stable fiscal position with no immediate threats to the delivery of core services

Our position is bolstered by:

  • Healthy fund balances
  • Robust fiscal policies
  • Long-range planning for known and anticipated significant projects

Next Steps

Plans for Q4 (October through December 2023) include:

  • Closely monitor transfer tax and recording fee revenues as leading indicators of future property tax revenue trends.
  • Closely monitor other economically sensitive revenues for signs of significant reduction.
  • Develop pre-emptive recession response plans with Fiscal Administrative Collaboration Team (FACT) to ensure departments are ready to respond quickly if/when needed


On Target
Monitor economically sensitive revenues
Board of Supervisors 2023 | 1/1/23 - 12/31/23
On Target
Ensure healthy fund balances in major operating funds
Board of Supervisors 2023 | 1/1/23 - 12/31/23
On Target
Prepare and implement long-term financial plans
Board of Supervisors 2023 | 1/1/23 - 12/31/23
Not Started
Develop and manage County budget
Board of Supervisors 2023 | 1/1/23 - 12/31/23
Not Defined

Property Taxes
Property Taxes and Transfer Taxes

Fiscal Year

Bar chart with 2 data series.
Property Taxes (Chart Type: Column) Plot Bands FY 19-20 Total Property Taxes: $ 29,474,023.00 Year-to-Date Total (Property Taxes): $ 0.00 FY 20-21 Total Property Taxes: $ 31,015,956.00 Year-to-Date Total (Property Taxes): $ 98,290.00 FY 21-22 Total Property Taxes: $ 33,322,001.00 Year-to-Date Total (Property Taxes): $ 0.00 FY 22-23 Total Property Taxes: $ 36,372,197.00 Year-to-Date Total (Property Taxes): $ 0.00 FY 23-24 Total Property Taxes: $ 0.00 Year-to-Date Total (Property Taxes): $ 0.00
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values. Range: 0 to 40000000.
End of interactive chart.
Not Defined

Sales Tax
Other key general fund revenues

Fiscal Year

Bar chart with 5 bars.
Sales Tax (Chart Type: Column) Plot Bands Sales Tax FY 19-20: $ 4,118,507.00 FY 20-21: $ 4,380,609.00 FY 21-22: $ 5,693,657.00 FY 22-23: $ 4,721,315.00 FY 23-24: $ 270,731.00
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values. Range: 0 to 6000000.
End of interactive chart.
Not Defined

Transfer Taxes
Property Taxes and Transfer Taxes


Bar chart with 2 data series.
Transfer Taxes (Chart Type: Column) Plot Bands FY 19-20 Total Transfer Taxes: $ 1,185,336.00 Year-to-Date Total (Transfer Taxes): $ 330,951.00 FY 20-21 Total Transfer Taxes: $ 2,323,605.00 Year-to-Date Total (Transfer Taxes): $ 648,587.00 FY 21-22 Total Transfer Taxes: $ 1,998,124.00 Year-to-Date Total (Transfer Taxes): $ 613,709.00 FY 22-23 Total Transfer Taxes: $ 1,353,593.00 Year-to-Date Total (Transfer Taxes): $ 482,071.00 FY 23-24 Total Transfer Taxes: $ 236,115.00 Year-to-Date Total (Transfer Taxes): $ 236,115.00
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values. Range: 0 to 3000000.
End of interactive chart.
Not Defined

Transient Occupancy Tax
Other key general fund revenues

Fiscal Year

Bar chart with 5 bars.
Transient Occupancy Tax (Chart Type: Column) Plot Bands Transient Occupancy Tax FY 19-20: $ 551,676.00 FY 20-21: $ 764,297.00 FY 21-22: $ 885,163.00 FY 22-23: $ 1,057,645.00 FY 23-24: $ 7,046.00
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values. Range: 0 to 1500000.
End of interactive chart.

Fiscal Year

Combination chart with 3 data series.
Salaries and Benefits Costs YTD vs. Actual vs. Adopted Budget (Chart Type: Column) Plot Bands FY 19-20 Adopted Budget: $ 110,149,047.00 Total Fiscal Year Cost: $ 104,095,845.00 Year-to-Date Total: $ 25,286,684.00 FY 20-21 Adopted Budget: $ 116,630,776.00 Total Fiscal Year Cost: $ 110,977,709.00 Year-to-Date Total: $ 25,773,804.00 FY 21-22 Adopted Budget: $ 120,945,065.00 Total Fiscal Year Cost: $ 116,548,852.00 Year-to-Date Total: $ 26,727,630.00 FY 22-23 Adopted Budget: $ 132,130,694.00 Total Fiscal Year Cost: $ 124,465,017.00 Year-to-Date Total: $ 27,992,458.00 FY 23-24 Adopted Budget: $ 142,541,952.00 Total Fiscal Year Cost: $ 30,500,414.00 Year-to-Date Total: $ 30,500,414.00
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values. Range: 0 to 150000000.
End of interactive chart.
Not Defined

Adopted Budget
Adopted Budget


Combination chart with 4 data series.
Adopted Budget (Chart Type: Stacked Column with Target Line) Plot Bands FY 14-15 Total Expenditure Budget: $ 200,066,856.00 General Fund Discretionary Revenues: $ 42,760,000.00 Fed/State Revenues: $ 85,382,691.00 Other Revenues: $ 65,476,214.00 FY 15-16 Total Expenditure Budget: $ 201,247,431.00 General Fund Discretionary Revenues: $ 46,200,000.00 Fed/State Revenues: $ 85,294,495.00 Other Revenues: $ 64,063,381.00 FY 16-17 Total Expenditure Budget: $ 213,963,886.00 General Fund Discretionary Revenues: $ 48,130,000.00 Fed/State Revenues: $ 91,623,660.00 Other Revenues: $ 69,855,674.00 FY 17-18 Total Expenditure Budget: $ 229,371,029.00 General Fund Discretionary Revenues: $ 50,570,000.00 Fed/State Revenues: $ 94,105,003.00 Other Revenues: $ 75,638,495.00 FY 18-19 Total Expenditure Budget: $ 235,688,597.00 General Fund Discretionary Revenues: $ 53,540,000.00 Fed/State Revenues: $ 93,925,926.00 Other Revenues: $ 82,948,853.00 FY 19-20 Total Expenditure Budget: $ 257,960,143.00 General Fund Discretionary Revenues: $ 56,150,000.00 Fed/State Revenues: $ 102,543,021.00 Other Revenues: $ 90,667,745.00 FY 20-21 Total Expenditure Budget: $ 266,002,423.00 General Fund Discretionary Revenues: $ 53,630,000.00 Fed/State Revenues: $ 107,449,168.00 Other Revenues: $ 90,011,508.00 FY 21-22 Total Expenditure Budget: $ 299,864,980.00 General Fund Discretionary Revenues: $ 61,060,000.00 Fed/State Revenues: $ 136,150,502.00 Other Revenues: $ 100,038,796.00 FY 22-23 Total Expenditure Budget: $ 330,738,238.00 General Fund Discretionary Revenues: $ 67,020,000.00 Fed/State Revenues: $ 147,825,361.00 Other Revenues: $ 107,671,616.00 FY 23-24 Total Expenditure Budget: $ 369,817,435.00 General Fund Discretionary Revenues: $ 71,740,000.00 Fed/State Revenues: $ 163,554,468.00 Other Revenues: $ 114,204,616.00
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values. Range: 0 to 400000000.
End of interactive chart.


Martin Polt (CEO)