On Target
Enhance Carbon Storage and Sequestration
Board of Supervisors 2023


Enhance Carbon Storage and Sequestration through natural and working lands management. This includes leveraging sustainable recreation, increasing forest health to reduce GHG and sequester carbon, explore biomass/biochar solutions, support organic waste management, including SB1383 implementation, and explore strategies to support local farmers and ranchers and promote local food production and beneficial cropland management.

    Progress Update

    • Natural and Working Lands group: developing project focused on measuring GHG emission reduction potential through the management of natural and working lands to reach carbon neutrality.
    • SB1383 – Workgroup developing strategies to comply with SB1383 and reduce methane emissions through Recycled Organic Waste Procurement targets. Zero Foodprint (ZFP) will provide compost procurement and shall meet or exceed Nevada County’s 2023 SB1383 procurement target of 910.5 ton of compost.
    • Provided partnership and Memorandum of Understanding to support Nevada County Resource Conservation District application to the Sustainable Agricultural Lands Conservation Program.

    Next Steps

    • Continue to support and work with SB 1383 Organic Waste Group 
    • Continue to participate in the Natural and Working Lands Group in the Climate Transformation Alliance (CTA). 


    On Target
    Climate Resilience
    Board of Supervisors 2023


    Ariel Lovett