On Target
Climate Strategic Plan
Board of Supervisors 2023


Development of a Strategic Plan will establish baseline, goals and strategies, identify policy and planning gaps, and align initiatives and coordinate existing efforts for improve efficiency. Soliciting and incorporating community and regional input, the plan will also advance immediate opportunities and position the County to take advantage of Federal & State Funding opportunities.

Progress Update

County Staff have applied for various grants to help fund the development of a Nevada County Climate Resilience Plan that would incorporate both action and adaptation strategies. However, several grant efforts have been unsuccessful.  However, multiple planning efforts are underway including: 

  • County's Recreation and Resilience Plan 
  • Local Hazard Mitigation Plan 
  • Community Wildfire Protection Plan 
  • Nevada County evacuation Study 

Next Steps

Align strategies in coordinated strategic plan. Additionally, conduct policy cross-walk analysis to identify opportunities of efficiency and to reduce duplication of efforts across the organization. 


On Target
Climate Resilience
Board of Supervisors 2023


Ariel Lovett