On Target
Promote health and safety at river crossings, lakes, trailheads, and other high-use or high-risk areas.
Board of Supervisors 2023


Erika Seward
Erika Seward (Community Development Agency)

Progress Update

Highlights from Q3 (July 2023 – September 2023) include:

  • Received approval by Board of Supervisors of Outdoor Visitor Safety Fund round two grants for 8 projects focused on recreation infrastructure and safety improvements; remaining funds from $850,000 allocation were approved for Hirschdale Road parking access and signage ($20K), and Donner Summit tourism marketing and outreach to support businesses and drive visitation (up to $20K);
  • Convened community partners with Nevada County Consolidated Fire District for Station 82 trailhead development;
  • Distributed weekly coordinated messaging and materials (e.g. graphics, bandanas, rack cards, videos) with South Yuba River Public Cohort ("Cohort") members to amplify reach and ensure accurate information; 
  • Deployed life jackets and safety signage at Yuba River crossings with BLM, State Parks, Tahoe National Forest and Cohort partners; 
  • Presentation by county's Dept. of Public Works on Edwards Crossing Bridge Improvement Project to the Board of Supervisors, highlighting opportunities for improving parking and recreational amenities through supplemental funding; and
  • Submitted application for the California State Association of Counties 2023 Challenge Award, showcasing county-led initiatives for Visitor Safety and Outdoor Recreation Management.

Next Steps

Plans for Q4 (October 2023 - December 2023) include:

  • Begin closing out Outdoor Visitor Safety Fund round 1 projects;
  • Initiate procurement of changeable message signs for 2024 season;
  • Begin analysis of parking citations and enforcement at South Yuba River State Park and Yuba River crossings;
  • Submit grant application to the CA Dept. of Fish & Wildlife ("CDFW") Boating Access program to support recreation improvements and visitor safety at river access points; and
  • Provide staff analysis and recommendations for road and safety improvements at Purdon Crossing.


On Target
Board of Supervisors 2023

Start Date


End Date



Not Defined
Electronic Message Board
Board of Supervisors 2023 | 4/1/22 - 12/31/23
Not Defined
Public Safety Video Development
Board of Supervisors 2023 | 4/1/22 - 12/31/23
Not Defined
Satellite Phone Call Box Installation
Board of Supervisors 2023 | 4/1/22 - 12/31/23

Gantt Chart

Board of Supervisors 2023
Promote health and safety at river crossings, lakes, trailheads, and other high-use or high-risk areas.
Electronic Message Board
Public Safety Video Development
Satellite Phone Call Box Installation