On Target
Seek grant funding and advocate at state and federal level for broadband.
Board of Supervisors 2023


Progress Update

Nevada County submitted a project for the development of a municipal broadband network through the Golden State Connect Authority on September 28, 2023 for funding through the Federal Funding Account first round. If approved, the project would advance a broadband network in western Nevada County that could impact 4,694 homes with last-mile broadband access. The areas selected for the grant application were based on eligible priority areas, per connection costs, proximity to existing middle mile, network sustainability, and network expansion, among other scoring criteria. The project as proposed will be built, owned, and operated by GSCA.

Next Steps

Golden State Connect Authority anticipates receiving notice on the grant in February 2024. The decision will impact the Broadband Workgroup’s recommended strategies and next steps.


On Target
Board of Supervisors 2023