On Target
Manage the “Last-Mile” Broadband Grant program with Sierra Business Council.
Board of Supervisors 2023


Expediting access to the internet for all residents is the goal of the County’s “Last-Mile Broadband Grant Program.” The Board established the program in 2019 with Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) dollars intended to promote economic development. The program is managed under contract with the Sierra Business Council with oversight from the County's Broadband Work Group.

In April 2021, the County awarded $500,000 for the second round of the "Last-Mile Broadband Grant Program" to four local internet service providers (ISP); broadband service will be offered to 440 households to support distance learning, remote working, and tele-medicine.  The four ISPs include Nevada County Fiber, Inc., Northern Sierra Fiber, Oasis Broadband, and Spiral Fiber, Inc., who each offered unique and innovative approaches to expanding broadband in areas challenged by both the geographic infrastructure challenges and the low population density. 

Following the Board's 2022 Workshop, the Board directed staff to allocate at least $250,000 for Round 3 “Last-Mile” grants from the Economic Development Infrastructure assignment of the General Fund. 

Progress Update

Nevada County Fiber completed its Last-Mile grant application with the project complete. Currently Norther Sierra Broadband Last-Mile grant is still under development.

Linked Measures

Last-Mile Broadband Connections
Board of Supervisors 2023

Next Steps

The next round of the Last-Mile Grant Program will be aimed ad launching in March of 2024 with the goal of awarding by July of 2024. The next round of the program will leverage American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds which are requested to be allocated next calendar year and used by 2025.


Last-Mile Broadband Connections
Last-Mile Broadband Connections


Bar chart with 2 data series.
Last-Mile Broadband Connections (Chart Type: Column) Plot Bands 2021 # of connections: 450.00 County investment (in thousands): 500.00 2022 # of connections: No Value County investment (in thousands): No Value 2023 # of connections: No Value County investment (in thousands): No Value
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values. Range: 0 to 600.
End of interactive chart.


On Target
Board of Supervisors 2023