On Target
Continue to support and strengthen outreach, engagement, and case management
Homeless Plan 2023


The Homeless Outreach and Medical Engagement (HOME) team officially launched on June 26th, 2019. This innovative team provides outreach and engagement, intensive case management and medical services to 80 highly vulnerable homeless residents per year. The team will utilize the Coordinated Entry System to identify participants and identify and extend case management and supportive services to individuals who, for a variety of reasons, are not currently engaged in services.

Progress Update

Q3 Updates: 

    • The Forensic Liaison is operational and is providing clients leaving incarceration with resources and housing support upon re-entry into the community. Justice and Mental Health Collaboration meetings continue, The Enhanced Care Management (ECM) team supports vulnerable individuals who are justice-involved. Behavioral Health has applied for and was approved as a Justice Involved provider for ECM services.
    • The ECM Team hired 5 staff members, including a clinical consultant, a peer support staff member, and lead care managers serving over 260 clients over the past year.
    • Planning to use the new day center operation as a service location for clients in need of Public Defender and Probation services.
    • Expanded HMIS coverage to include the Housing Support Program (CalWORKS)
    • Worked with Hospitality House (HH) to establish workflows and roles and responsibilities between existing HH staff and the Behavioral Health ECM team. Developed standing meetings between ECM team, hospitality house, and law enforcement.
    • Behavioral Health Bridge Housing (BHBH) grant was awarded which will provide 25-30 new beds to serve as transitional housing for chronically homelessness individuals with serious mental illness and substance use disorders. In total, the program aims to serve approximately 150-200 individuals with the grant. The goal of the funding is to bridge temporary and interim shelter to permanent, sustainable housing.
    • Nevada County Behavioral Health (NCBH) hired 2 peers to enhance case management capacity.

    Next Steps

    • Continue to utilize outreach and collaboration with the HOME Team to reach vulnerable Nevada County residents where they're at and bring them into services and shelter.
    • Utilize the day center as a central hub for operations and outreach to bring the ECM and HOME Teams together to implement expanded interim housing operations for serving unsheltered clients.


    Kimberlee Green (Child Support)
    Priya Kannall (HHSA)
    Brendan Phillips (HHSA)